This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 10 June 2024

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Crime Reads list their favourite horror reads about horror movies

Editor Olivia Rutigliano takes Paul Tremblay’s new novel, Horror Movie, as the jumping off point to pick out her favourite horror books about horror movies.

Bloody Disgusting use the examples of Downpour and Shattered Memories to find hope for Silent Hill

With some fans becoming downbeat or even concerned about remakes of Silent Hill 2 and more besides for the genre classic, Bloody Disgusting’s Luiz H. C. uses Downpour and Shattered Memories to show that there is still hope for the Silent Hill franchise.

Night Tide offer up recommendations for Pride month reading in 2024

Author and editor Mo Moshaty picks out fifteen perfect Pride reads for 2024’s Pride Month celebrations in this article for Night Tide magazine.

Dread Central examine the horror of the mundane with a look at workplace horror

Dread Central’s Joel Couture digs into the workplace horror sub-genre to pick out the different facets of this horror of the mundane.

The Horror Writers’ Association feature a Pride Month interview with queer horror writer and editor Eric Raglin

As part of their Pride Month coverage, The Horror Writers’ Association sit down for a wide ranging chat with writer and editor-in-chief of Cursed Morsels, Eric Raglin.

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