This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 12 August 2019

Toni Morrison

Welcome to Must Read Horror. Last week, we lost one of the most celebrated writers ever, Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison. Author of Beloved, Song of Solomon, Sula, and The Bluest Eye, among many other works, she often used magic realism, fantasy, and horror to explore the boundaries of human experience in a way that was distinctly her own. As a tribute, the five entries below are among the must-read articles that celebrate her life. Without further ado:

The New York Times leads with an in-depth obituary of the author

The New York Times features an in-depth obituary by Margalit Fox, shining a light both on Morrison’s life and work.

The New Yorker delves into Morrison’s literature and finds her truth

Titled ‘Toni Morrison’s Truth,’ this article by Hilton Als for The New Yorker delves into the heart of some of Morrison’s literature, pulling out excerpts where required, to demonstrate how prescient she was of the times we inhabit today.

Jesse McCarthy writes for The Nation on Morrison’s profound impact on American literature

Writing for The Nation, Jesse McCarthy lays bare the scepticism with which the author’s work was originally met and then how, having overcome it, how she came to transform the landscape of literature.

John Hoppenthaler, Morrison’s former personal assistant provides some personal insight into the author

In an article for The Cut, John Hoppenthaler provides some touching insights into the woman he came to know well while working as her personal assistant.

Canada’s CBC provides thirty quotes on diverse subjects, from writing, to love, to the meaning of life

CBC provides thirty quotes from Morrison, compiled by Jennifer Van Evra, pertaining to writing, love, the meaning of life and much more.

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