This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 12 August 2024

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Dread Central look at the evil at the heart of new game Still Wakes the Deep and find a masterclass in cosmic and body horror

SPOILERS: Dread Central’s Jay Krieger studies the entity at the heart of new horror video game, Still Wakes the Deep, and finds a terrifying masterclass in cosmic and body horror.

The Lineup dive below the surface to find nine underwater horror books to drown in

Jena Brown, writing for The Lineup, dives into nine of the best underwater horrors to leave you steering clear of the beach.

The Ginger Nuts of Horror find out about ten books which influenced Joshua Chaplinsky’s latest

Author Joshua Chaplinsky reveals ten books which influenced the writing of his new book, Letters to the Purple Satin Killer, in this article for The Ginger Nuts of Horror.

Bloody Disgusting look back at the groundbreaking work of director Wes Craven almost nine years after his death

Bloody Disgusting’s Brian Keiper looks back at the incredible contribution to horror made by director Wes Craven as this month sees the ninth year since his death.

The Horror Tree interview Nick Mamatas about the new anthology he has edited 120 Murders

Author and editor Nick Mamatas sits down with The Horror Tree’s Matthew Tyrer to talk about editing new anthology 120 Murders, and much more.

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