This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 19 Feb 2018

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado:

Slash Film make their case for love, not fear, being responsible for the best of what horror has to offer

Slash Film’s Matt Donato looks at the mechanics of great horror cinema and concludes that it is love in all its forms, be it twisted, grotesque and unrequited or otherwise, that packs the biggest punch in the horror cinema genre.

Sixteen Personalities analyses the different personality traits we, the viewers, portray when watching a horror movie

Ever wondered why you can’t take your eyes off the screen while a scene of horrifyingly gory death unfolds in front of you, while your best friend has his hands over his eyes until it’s over? Well, Sixteen personalities, a psychological personality analysis site, has been wondering exactly that and have written a detailed report that may help us to better understand what sets people apart in this way.

Film School Rejects have dug deep to come up with a list of low budget horror movies you’ve never heard of

Kieran Fisher at Film School Rejects has been busy compiling a list of horror movies that are low budget, but still hit the spot. Among the list are intelligent Lovecraftian films, politically-charged scares and less serious splatterfests. There’s bound to be something here for everyone.

Bloody Disgusting talk to David Bruckner about The RitualV/H/S, and more besides

Bloody Disgusting’s Brad Miska catches up with David Bruckner to talk about the success of his film The Ritual, adapted from the novel by Adam Nevill, and his other films, including V/H/S.

Ghastly Grinning continue their Women in Horror Month season with an interview with Ania Ahlborn

Ryan Daley of Ghastly Grinning talks to Ania Ahlborn, author of The SeedBrother and several other outstanding works.

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