This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 12 February 2024

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Lit Hub explain why killing off your characters is traumatic and why it should be

If you’re finding yourself traumatised by killing off one of your characters, author Karen Outen explains why in this article for Lit Hub and goes on to explain why it should be traumatic.

The Ginger Nuts of Horror celebrate the pared back beauty of the short story

Writer Tim Lees, in this guest article for The Ginger Nuts of Horror, explains why the short story is such a beautiful and important format for storytelling.

Horror DNA pick out five fictional horror families who are the absolute worst

Amanda M. Blake, author of Question Not My Salt, picks out five horror film families who are just as horrifyingly evil as the Samuels family of her novel.

What Sleeps Beneath choose the cold and dark of February to look back at old haunts

Film critic and artist Alyssa Waldron uses the cold and dark month of February to look back at old haunts: films in which those nearest and dearest can seem to be somehow different from how you remember them.

The Horror Tree sit down for an interview with author Cassondra Windwalker

Writer Lionel Ray Green sits down with fellow author Cassondra Windwalker to talk about her latest release, What Hides in the Cupboards, and much more in this interview for The Horror Tree.

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