This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 13 May 2024

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

What Sleeps Beneath select five child bearing films for Mothers’ Day

What Sleeps Beneath’s Theresa B. writes this article, selecting five radically different child bearing horror films for Mothers’ Day.

The Lineup explore Stone Tape Theory and the idea of locations themselves being haunted

Rachael Elizabeth, writing for The Lineup, digs deep into ‘Stone Tape Theory,’ the idea that locations themselves can be haunted, looking at the evidence and theoretical elements of the concept.

Bloody Disgusting join the dots via religious dialogue between The Exorcist and The Wicker Man

Bloody Disgusting’s Luiz H. C. uses religious dialogue to find common ground in The Wicker Man and The Exorcist.

The Ginger Nuts of Horror reveal how life kicking you in the behind can lead to writing horror

Debra K. Every, author of Deena Undone, explains how she came accidentally to write horror and the series of unfortunate circumstances that led her to this path.

Uncomfortably Dark present a deeply personal author interview with J. D. Buffington

Author J. D. Buffington sits down with Uncomfortably Dark to talk new book, 41, and much more in this deeply personal author interview.

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