This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 14 May 2018


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado:

The Mary Sue has a fascinating article about Final Girls and whether they can be viewed from a feminist perspective or not

Princess Weekes of The Mary Sue picks up on a tweet that was trending last week about horror’s ‘Final Girls’ and whether they can be seen as a positive force, from a feminist perspective. She explains just how complex this is.

Variety reports on the rude health horror finds itself in at this year’s Cannes film festival

Beginning with Guillermo Del Toro’s pitch for his new project Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Brent Lang exposes the recent successes of horror and how, in a comic book adaption-obsessed movie world, horror is doing the business, regardless of budget, nationality and more.

Lit Hub asks why horror in all media resonates so powerfully with society today

Tobias Carroll over at Lit Hub asks the question of why horror, be it in film or fiction, resonates so powerfully with society today.

Cedar Hollow Reviews catch up with James Newman to discuss his latest release Dog Days O’ Summer (co-written with Mark Allen Gunnells)

Fresh from the release of the novel Dog Days O’ Summer, Cedar Hollow Reviews talk to James Newman about his writing, influences and much more.

Gingernuts of Horror has a feature article about Survival Horror Gaming’s mid-life crisis

George Daniel Lea of Gingernuts of Horror writes about the mid-life crisis in which survival horror gaming finds itself.

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