This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 16 Apr 2018

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado:

The Guardian digs deep into the revival of horror in Hollywood and discusses the wider implications for the film industry

The year after huge successes for Get OutSplit and IT, The Guardian’s Graeme Virtue analyses the ways in which horror is usurping the tired, usual fare of sequels and superheroes in the Hollywood landscape.

Bloody Disgusting offer up ten of the scariest made-for-TV horrors

Meagan Navarro of Bloody Disgusting has been digging through the plethora of made-for-TV horror movies, many of which are of course dreadful, and picked out the ten fright-filled gems that we should all be watching.

Shelf Talk have highlighted five excellent horror novels from the past couple of years to add to your collection

Linda J of the Shelf Talk blog has picked out five outstanding horror releases from the past two years to add to your collection.  While some are well-known, there might well be a couple of surprises in here for you.

S. T. Joshi writes a fascinatingly in-depth essay on the suspenseful works of Adam Nevill

Novelist and critic S. T. Joshi has written an insightful essay on the suspenseful work of Adam Nevill. Fans of his fiction or those who are curious after watching the film adaptation of The Ritual alike will find mountains of interesting points in this essay.

Tim Meyer’s blog features an interview with writer Chad Lutzke

In an author to author conversation, Tim Meyer gets together with Chad Lutzke too discuss his work, influences and more besides.

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