This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 22 May 2023

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Lit Hub dig deep into the art of writing a fight scene

Author Rita Chang-Eppig offers up this insightful craft article on how to write the most satisfying fight scenes in this craft article for Lit Hub.

The Lineup suggest a selection of horror trilogies to fully immerse yourself in dark worlds

Sadie Hartmann, aka Mother Horror, suggests a selection of horror fiction trilogies for readers to fully immerse themselves in authors’ dark worlds, in this article for The Lineup.

Bloody Disgusting look back at underappreciated TV series American Gothic as it turns thirty-five

Bloody Disgusting’s Paul Lê casts his eye back thirty-five years to the underappreciated 1988 series American Gothic.

What Sleeps Beneath consider the mechanics of horror screenplay writing and ask: monsters or ghosts?

Award-winning screenwriter Arran Crawley writes this practical guide to writing horror screenplays for What Sleeps Beneath and asks the fundamental question: monsters or ghosts? sit down with Cassandra Khaw for an in-depth interview on body horror and folklore

Writer Lee Mandelo sits down with fellow writer Cassandra Khaw to discuss prominent themes in their work such as body horror, folklore and much more.

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