This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 23 January 2023

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

The Lineup pick out seven horror book releases to get excited about in 2023

Writer Michael J. Seidlinger examines the release schedule for The Lineup, and selects seven new horror fiction releases to get excited about in 2023.

Dread Central’s ‘The Overlook Motel’ series features underappreciated found footage movie As Above, So Below

Tyler Doupe’, writing for Dread Central, explains why horror fans should take a look at underappreciated found footage film, As Above, So Below, in the latest entry in ‘The Overlook Motel’ series.

Horror DNA present their definitive top ten (actually twelve) horror movies of 2022

Horror DNA’s Joel Harley has taken time to consider all of last year’s horror movie releases and here presents his top ten (which is actually twelve, because some simply couldn’t be separated).

The Horror Tree feature an essay on the enduring influence of William Hjortsberg’s Falling Angel

Writer Ron Capshaw, in this article for The Horror Tree, digs deep into why William Hjortsberg’s 1978 horror noir novel, Falling Angel, remains so influential, more than forty years on.

The Ginger Nuts of Horror sit down with author JP Behrens to discuss their debut novel Portrait of a Nuclear Family

With their debut novel, Portrait of a Nuclear Family, out now, author JP Behrens sits down with The Ginger Nuts of Horror to talk about the book and much more.

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