This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 26 December 2022

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Tor Nightfire look back at the Brazilian Coffin Joe films – thought to have inspired Freddy Krueger

Tor Nightfire’s Joe Bendel looks at the classic Brazilian character of ‘Zé do Caixão,’ roughly translated as ‘Coffin Joe,’ and how his films may have inspired the creation of Freddy Krueger.

LitReactor choose the best horror graphic novels of 2022

Writer and poet Stephanie M. Wytovich selects the best of the horror graphic novels of 2022 in this article for LitReactor.

The Horror Tree present a writing advice article on using different points of view

The Horror Tree’s Stuart Conover writes this in-depth advice article on the advantages and pitfalls of using different points of view in your writing.

The Ginger Nuts of Horror choose the top horror films of 2022

Writer Cat Voleur picks out the top twenty horror films of the year in this article for The Ginger Nuts of Horror.

Bloody Disgusting pick out 2022’s top horror video games

Bloody Disgusting’s Luiz H. C. offers up the list of his top ten horror video games of the year.

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