This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 28 August 2023

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Bloody Disgusting look at the colour red in horror movies

Bloody Digusting’s Matt Donato looks at a series of horrors from over the years and the horrors unleashed when a red scene unfolds.

Dread Central select ten examples of Mexican horror cinema which have shaped the genre

Dread Central’s Mickey Peralta Jr. picks out ten Mexican horror movies which have helped to shape the entire genre over the past few years.

LitReactor wonder whether it’s worth an author’s while to join a writer’s association

Author and poet Cynthia Pelayo looks at the pros and cons of being a part of one of the many writers’ associations out there in this article for LitReactor.

Esquire look at fictional dogs with a particular focus on horror hounds

Neil McRobert of the Talking Scared podcast writes for Esquire on the long litany of literary dogs, with a particular focus on horror hounds.

The Horror Tree sit down for an interview with David Steffen  who had a hand in Diabolical Plots and The Submission Grinder

David Steffen, who has a hand in Diabolical Plots – one of the best paying and most highly respected dark fiction magazines, and The Submission Grinder – perhaps the most comprehensive site for open submission calls, sits down with The Horror Tree’s Angelique Fawns for a wide ranging interview.

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