This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 29 August 2022

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Dread Central wonder why You’re Next is not as well appreciated in the slasher genre as it should be

Chad Collins, writing for Dread Central, looks at the terrifying legacy of 2013’s You’re Next and wonders why it doesn’t get the credit it perhaps deserves within the sub-genre.

LitReactor pick out five standout Frankenstein reworkings we should all be reading

LitReactor’s Jena Brown selects five reworkings of Mary Shelley’s sci-fi horror classic which you may not have read and explains why you must.

Kendall Reviews try to parse the unfavourable reactions to Hellraiser (2022)

Paul Flewitt, writing for Kendall Reviews, looks forward to the forthcoming Hellraiser adaptation from Hulu and tries to understand some of the negative reactions around it.

Crime Reads consider the gothic horror of the now in post-Roe America

Writer Gwendolyn Kiste considers the gothic horror surrounding women in post-Roe America in this article for Crime Reads.

Comics Beat talk to Stephen Graham Jones about his new comic Earthdivers

Ricardo Serrano Denis sits down with Stephen Graham Jones to discuss new comic Earthdivers for The Comics Beat.

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