This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 30 March 2020

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Gwendolyn Kiste selects five works of horror by women perfect for film adaptations for Tor Nightfire

Taking short stories, novels and novellas, Gwendolyn selects five works of horror fiction for Tor Nightfire which seem to almost be made for film adaptation.

Josh Malerman provides the perfect antidote to quarantine as he releases the novel Carpenter’s Farm one chapter at a time

For those of us social distancing or even under lockdown conditions, Josh Malerman has the cure for our ills in the form of a new novel, released as a serial, one chapter at a time.

Bloody Disgusting pick out the haunted house movies that broke the rules

J. W. Ocker of Bloody Disgusting sets out the five rules of haunted house stories, then selects a host of movies that skilfully broke them.

Kendall Reviews feature a collaborative piece of original fiction by Silvia Brown, Miranda Crites, Fiona Dodwell and Michelle Enelen

Kendall Reviews provides the platform for a piece of collaborative fiction in these times of isolation, written by Silvia Brown, Miranda Crites, Fiona Dodwell and Michelle Enelen.

The Gingernuts of Horror spend five minutes with Catori Sarmiento, author of Carnival Panic

Carnival Panic author, Catori Sarmiento, sits down with The Gingernuts of Horror for a five minute interview, talking about her books and much more.

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