This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 5 August 2024


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Nighttide Magazine consider the changed relevance of the haunted house trope after lockdown

Writer Rowan Hill re-examines the relevance of the haunted house trope after the global lockdown in this fascinating article for Nighttide Magazine.

The Lineup feature four new small press horror releases for August 

The Lineup’s Kelsey Christine McConnell has been trawling the release schedules and found these four perfect books to round off your small press summer reading.

Crime Reads remember Bram Stoker’s long forgotten Dracula play

Crime Reads editor Olivia Rutigliano looks back to the curious and long forgotten play of Dracula written by Bram Stoker himself.

Bloody Disgusting analyse the sense of hope during the apocalypse in A Quiet Place: Day One

Harrison Abbott, writing for Bloody Disgusting, digs deep into A Quiet Place: Day One and finds hope amid the apocalypse.

The Horror Tree’s Spooky Six interview series sets its sights on author Deirdre Swinden

Dark fiction author Deirdre Swinden is the latest to face Willow Croft’s Spooky Six questions in this interview for The Horror Tree.

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