5 Must Read Horror Articles 9 September 2024


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Crime Reads explain why sometimes a home improvement show might be scarier than a paranormal one

Author Sarah Pinkser, writing for Crime Reads, explains why sometimes a show about fixer uppers might be more frightening than one about the spirits of the dead.

Bloody Disgusting find six of the best ever found footage horror episodes of TV series

Luiz H. C., writing for Bloody Disgusting, finds some classic and some lesser known TV series episodes told from the found footage horror perspective.

Author Maria Giakoumatos explains the horrors of her life to The Ginger Nuts of Horror

In the latest episode of The Ginger Nuts of Horror’s ‘The Horror of My Life’ series, writer Maria Giakoumatos gives all the details on her first films, books and much more.

Dread Central select the five most haunting opening scenes in recent horror movie history

Dread Central’s Jay Krieger watches back through all of the past few years’ horror movie releases to find the five most haunting opening sequences.

The Lineup speak to author Kelsea Yu and find out how she is shaking up the horror genre

Jena Brown interviews Kelsea Yu for The Lineup and finds out exactly how the author is shaking up the horror genre.

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