Bob Pastorella

Author's posts

Book Review: A Quiet Apocalypse by Dave Jeffery

A Quiet Apocalypse by Dave Jeffery - cover

“Jeffery hasn’t reinvented the apocalyptic sub-genre … he has given us something fresh, exciting, and intriguing, that not only entertains from the first page to the last, but also forces us to open our hearts and minds to the plight of a minority.”   British horror author Dave Jeffery has written about zombies, werewolves, cryptids, …

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Look Out For … A Lush and Seething Hell by John Hornor Jacobs

A Lush and Seething Hell by John Hornor Jacobs cover

“With his latest effort—two tales in one book—Jacobs’ vision dives deep into the horror and corruption of the human condition as only he can.” The Sea Dreams It Is the Sky. A young woman tells the story of a poet-in-exile, feverishly attempting to translate a text, teetering on madness in a country in the midst of …

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Book Review: To Be Devoured by Sara Tantlinger

To Be Devoured by Sara Tantlinger - cover

“A compelling and harrowing debut that adds to the not insubstantial evidence that Sara Tantlinger is a promising and exciting new voice in horror.”   Sara Tantlinger began writing poetry while in Middle School, and has since branched out into longer prose. With an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction, it would be safe to assume …

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Look Out For … Tapetum Lucidum by Melissa Lason and Michelle Garza

Tapetum Lucidum by Melissa Lason and Michelle Garza - cover

“The Sisters of Slaughter combine visceral, blood-soaked horror with mind-bending psychological surrealism, unafraid to explore the range of human emotions.” Halloween, Brush Mill A group of friends accidently awaken something ancient and bloodthirsty. The strange glowing orbs falling from the trees aren’t fireflies. Now the hunters are free, ravenous and closing in on Brush Mill. …

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Book Review: This House of Wounds by Georgina Bruce

This House of Wounds by Georgina Bruce - cover

“A rich, dense, deeply artistic yet solid collection, that showcases some of the best short stories currently being written.”   Many, many times, this site has lauded the books of independent press, Undertow Publications. Both design/presentation and the contents within. They manage to surpass each perfect release with the one that follows. This year sees …

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Book Review: The Profane by Vincenzo Bilof

The Profane by Vincenzo Bilof - cover

“In another’s hands, this juxtaposition of disparate elements may not work at all. But, in Bilof’s hands, they blend beautifully to deliver a unique and rewarding reading experience.”   He has worn many hats in the publishing industry, including Editor and Publisher. But, first and foremost, Vincenzo Bilof is an author. The evidence is in …

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Look Out For … Violet by Scott Thomas

Violet by Scott Thomas

“With his second novel, Violet, Thomas writes of grief and loss with full authority, connecting maximum fear with deep emotional impact.” Summer, 1988. A time of sun and fun for most kids. Kris Barlow isn’t most kids, and she spent that summer saying goodbye to her dying mother. Faced with another devastating loss—the death of …

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Look Out For … On the Night Border by James Chambers

On the Night Border by James Chambers

“Chambers has a knack for making the ordinary extremely scary with the ability of a natural storyteller, spinning tales that easily slip into your nightmares.” A man desperately tries to kill his memories. A young girl grows up while standing in the shadow of a terrible monster. A legendary literary writer deals with a chaotic …

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Book Review: Tales from the Crust: An Anthology of Pizza Horror edited by David James Keaton and Max Booth III

Tales From the Crust, edited by David James Keaton and Max Booth III

“There are so many different flavours of horror available that it will be nigh on impossible for a reader not to find something to enjoy.”   If you follow either of the co-editors on social media, or are yourself a budding short story author, you may well have seen the origin of this seemingly-absurd concept …

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Look Out For … The Last Book You’ll Ever Read by Scott Hughes

The Last Book You'll Ever Read by Scott Hughes - cover

“Horror readers love a challenge, and with such an intriguing and mysterious title, no doubt they’ve met their match with Hughes’ debut collection.” A strange book mysteriously appears on your doorstep … An old woman and her weird creatures made of concrete … A man desperate to escape a horror from another world … A …

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