Bob Pastorella

Author's posts

Book Review: The Sea Was a Fair Master by Calvin Demmer


“It is a difficult craft to write a piece of flash which has a start, middle and end; one which satisfies in the way a longer piece might. For those seeking to know how it’s done, Calvin Demmer has twenty-three of them for you.”   The Sea Was a Fair Master is the first collection …

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Look Out For … Ahab’s Return: or The Last Voyage by Jeffrey Ford

Ahab's Return by Jeffrey Ford - cover

“Jeffrey Ford is one the most imaginative writers in the business, and to see him tackle a sequel to one of the greatest novels ever written with his own style and flair should be a sight to behold.”   Captain Ahab lives! Yes, he survived his encounter with the whale. Sadly, rumors of his untimely …

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Audiofear: Hush


Talk to just about any writer you know about their mood music for writing and you’ll get every possible response. At one end of the spectrum you have those who avoid music altogether, the sound of the keys clacking away and the occasional slurp of the writing fuel of choice the only interruption to their …

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Look Out For … Bad Man by Dathan Auerbach

Bad Man by Dathan Auerbach - cover

“Stripped right out of the headlines, and our collective fears, Auerbach’s Bad Man promises to make Ben’s hunt for his missing brother a one-way ticket to the bowels of hell.” You’ve got about a 48 hour window to find a missing person. For Ben, those 48 hours were the worst. He looked away for one …

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Injured Eyeballs: What the Fuck was Night Force?

Night Force 1 - cover

It’s been a while since I tended to this column, so I thought I better drop by, sweep away the cobwebs, dust the darkened corners and weed out the flowers from the Triffid beds. While I’m here, and seeing as you’ve been kind enough to drop by, I think it would also be a good …

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Book Review: Dark and Distant Voices—A Story Collection by Tim Waggoner

Dark and Distant Voices by Tim Waggoner

“If you’ve never read anything by Tim Waggoner, this would be a fine place to start. If you’re already a fan, you’ll want to dive right in as soon as you can.” Tim Waggoner is a name which should be familiar to anyone with a passing interest in genre fiction. Even if you haven’t read …

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Look Out For … The War in the Dark by Nick Setchfield

The War in the Dark by Nick Setchfield - cover

“The War in the Dark by Nick Setchfield promises to combine thrilling international intrigue with the occult during the height of the Cold War in ways we’ve never seen before.” The Cold War, 1963. A botched assassination of a traitor forces British Intelligence agent Christopher Winter to escape London. With a mysterious woman named Karina …

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Look Out For … Walking Alone: Short Stories by Bentley Little

Walking Alone by Bentley Little - cover

“With some stories never collected before, and a few originals thrown in the mix, Bentley Little’s first collection in over a decade is destined to be another classic of the genre.”   Sticky Notes. Hotel maids. Small town rodeos. Snowmen. At times, all of these things can be innocent, completely safe. But in the hands …

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Book Review: Toroa by Erik Hofstatter

Toroa by Erik Hofstatter - cover

 “A novel full of action, full of human emotion and relationships, Toroa … is a view into the soul of one who is pushed until breaking and the darkness that can spill out as a result.”   Even a brief look at the synopsis for Toroa leaves the reader thinking that suspending one’s disbelief is going …

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Book Review: Unnerving Magazine, Issue 6

Unnerving, Issue 6 - cover

“The idea that Generous manages to create a publication of such quality and packed with so much content single-handedly, is truly amazing and inspiring.”   With publisher Eddie Generous at the helm, as well as every oar (this truly is a one-man operation), Unnerving has taken the independent horror publishing world by storm. While publishing …

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