Bob Pastorella

Author's posts

Look Out For … The Listener by Robert McCammon

The Listener by Robert McCammon - cover

“Whether the story is set in the world of today or several hundred years ago, McCammon has the ability to set the stage with the reader, and engage them with compelling characters that are impossible to forget.” Two confidence scam artists during the Great Depression decide to hit New Orleans and graduate to kidnapping and …

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Look Out For … Infidel by Pornsak PichetshoteI & Aaron Campbell

Infidel by Pichetshote & Campbell - cover

“Former Vertigo editor and bestselling writer Pornsak Pichetshote has teamed with artist Aaron Campbell (The Shadow) to bring us a graphic tale as timely as our newspaper headlines, with a dangerous and sinister supernatural approach.” An American Muslim woman moves into a new building. Along with her neighbors from all cultures and races, she finds …

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Look Out For … Frankenstein: The 1818 Text (Penguin Classics)

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley -cover

“Besides fostering the modern age of science-fiction, Shelley’s Frankenstein is a classic horror story, evoking powerful dynamics as we see creator become monster, and monster become human.” Cadavers fresh from the grave, cobbled together with stitches, a mad doctor creates an abomination in his hidden laboratory. Using science to reanimate lifeless tissue, Victor Frankenstein’s obsessions …

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Book Review: Great British Horror 2, edited by Steve J. Shaw

Great British Horror 2, edited by Steve Shaw - cover

“No doubt, in years to come, Great British Horror will become the publication serious and aspiring horror writers beg to be seen in.”   Last year saw the first in a new proposed yearly anthology series, Great British Horror, subtitled 1: Green and Pleasant Land. In it was an impressive array of writers—both relatively new …

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Book Review: Imposter Syndrome, edited by James Everington and Dan Howarth

Imposter Syndrome, edited by James Everington and Dan Howarth - cover

“Imposter Syndrome is a book which deserves to sit on every horror aficionado’s shelf. Its stories are to be savoured and marvelled at, each author meeting and exceeding expectations.” Though there are some who would assert the short story is dead (though it’s arguable whether any art form can truly ever ‘die’), the sheer number …

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Look Out For … The Hunger by Alma Katsu

The Hunger by Alma Katsu - cover

“The Hunger provides us a chilling, albeit twisted, historical view of what could have actually happened; a “what-if” that aims to terrify as well as inform.” Ninety people. Men, women, and children, set on a new beginning at the other side of America … California. The terrain is relentless, but a new short-cut just might …

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Book Review: Creatures of Will & Temper by Molly Tanzer

Creatures of Will & Temper by Molly Tanzer - cover

“[Tanzer brings] the setting to life through wonderful descriptions, while also weaving in the elements that make for an engaging and enthralling paranormal thriller.”   Her first novel, Vermilion (Word Horde, 2015) was an io9 and NPR Best Book of the Year, while her debut collection, A Pretty Mouth (Lazy Fascist Press, 2012) was nominated …

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Look Out For … Cry Your Way Home by Damien Angelica Walters

Cry Your Way Home by Damien Angelica Walters -cover

“One of the strongest voices in contemporary horror and weird fiction, Damien Angelica Walters has shifted from new kid on the block to established writer of the first degree in a short span of time. “ Once upon a time there was a monster. This is how they tell you the story starts. This is …

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Book Review: Splatterpunk: Fighting Back, edited by Jack Bantry and Kit Power

Splatterpunk- Fighting Back, edited by Jack Bantry and Kit Power - cover

“These stories are Splatterpunk to the core, each gory and disturbing yet hold a lesson within the pools of blood and piles of guts.” Splatterpunk Fighting Back is a charity anthology of extreme awesomeness. The stories are brutal, and in true splatterpunk form they gruesomely display a middle finger to society while casting the reader …

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Book Review: The Ghost Club: Newly Found Tales of Victorian Terror by William Meikle

The Ghost Club by William Meikle - cover

“Take a seat at the dinner table, but be warned … the price for your presence there will haunt you.”   The Ghost Club: Newly Found Tales of Victorian Terror is a very interesting premise for a collection. It’s supposed to be a hidden book of tales written by history’s greatest storytellers who were a …

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