Bob Pastorella

Author's posts

Book Review: Blood Crime by Sebastia Alzamora

Blood Crime by Sebastia Alzamora - cover

“The author doesn’t sugarcoat anything and the story is made that much more horrific by the brutal atrocities committed by the worst monsters of all: the human ones.” Soho Crime is an imprint that’s been doing some pretty impressive work for a while now. They publish a lot of international authors, some of them to …

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Interview: Ramsey Campbell

Ramsey Campbell - bookcase

Simon Bestwick recently chatted with the legendary British horror writer, Ramsey Campbell. Author of such classics as The Parasite, The Influence, The Face That Must Die, Ancient Images, and more recently, Ghosts Know, Holes for Faces, The Booking, and the forthcoming The Searching Dead, Campbell has won more awards for his writing than any other …

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Book Review: Some Will Not Sleep by Adam Nevill

Some Will Not Sleep - Adam Nevill -cover

“There is not one single tale which feels less than the others, none which seem to be mere ‘filler’. They are beautifully crafted, original and complete works which nevertheless fit well together as arranged by the author.” Anyone who considers themselves a serious reader of horror fiction cannot fail to have heard the name of …

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AHS: Roanoke Chapter 5: Is That All There Is?

AHS: My Roanoke Nightmare

Here we go. It is mere moments before the new episode, and I’ve heard a rumor so wonderful that I refuse to google it, because I WANT IT TO BE TRUE. I like being this excited for the new episode of AHS. Tonight, there will be Evan Peters. Considering we’ve had to wait so long, …

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Book Review: Scratch by Steve Himmer

Scratch - Steve Himmer - cover

“Steve Himmer has crafted a little book with a great big wallop of a gut-punch that will leave you breathless and longing for more, much, much more.” Neo-noir is a subgenre that’s been growing in both production and popularity in recent years, but it’s really still in its fledgling state and if you ask seven …

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A Halloween Blast from the Past: The Nightmare Man

The Nightmare Man - BBC

With Halloween on the way, it’s a good time to find some suitably chilling reading or viewing for when the night wind howls outside. Maybe that’s why my thoughts turned to The Nightmare Man, the BBC TV adaptation of David Wiltshire’s novel. It scared the hell out of British viewers in 1981, and inspired a …

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Book Review: King Carrion by Rich Hawkins

King Carrion Rich Hawkins - cover

“Perhaps this is one of the main purposes of horror fiction; namely, to show us that the things we cling to as steady, stable, and constant, are anything but. That we have very little control over our lives and are mere moments away from chaotic oblivion. It’s a theme Rich returns to again and again, …

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Book Review: Swift to Chase by Laird Barron

“From the very first words of ‘Screaming Elk, MT’ in which Jessica finds her fate entangled with the cursed company of a traveling carnival, we are made aware that we’re experiencing something that transcends the bounds of traditional cosmic horror.” If you’ve been reading horror fiction for any length of time, then you’ve likely heard …

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AHS: Roanoke Chapter 4: FLIP THE TABLE! – Play by Play and Lamentation

AHS - S6 Lady Gaga

  What is hope? Hope is tuning into Chapter 4 after no Evan Peters for the first three episodes. It’s having laughed in of shock and awe at Cuba Gooding Jr’s fogged up glasses as he banged Lady Gaga in the woods while Sarah Paulson screamed. Hope is balling your hands into fists and whispering …

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Horror Novels that Scream Halloween

Something Wicked This Way Comes - cover

When I was asked to compile a list of books that I felt were good choices for October, this month that feels like nothing so much as a celebration of our chosen brand of genre fiction, I had to really think about it. Not just about what books I would choose—that’s the easy part—but why …

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