Bob Pastorella

Author's posts

Book Review: Destroying the Tangible Illusion of Reality; or, Searching for Andy Kaufman by T. Fox Dunham

Destroying the Tangible Illusion of Reality cover

“What he calls the most important words he’s written may also be some of the most important words you’ll read, a song of mortality and a celebration of life that resonates in the heart and mind long after the final note is played.” The first thing you might think upon reading T Fox Dunham’s groundbreaking …

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Interview: John F. D. Taff on Writing, Horror Fiction, and Why He’s Called the King of Pain

John FD Taff

Though he’s been called an overnight success by some, John F. D. Taff has been writing dark fiction, primarily in the short form, for more than 25 years now, with stories appearing in numerous magazines and anthologies, including  Cemetery Dance, Eldritch Tales, Morpheus Tales, Deathrealm, Schrodinger’s Mouse, Night Chills, Big Pulp and One Buck Horror, …

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Busting the Mainstream: Portland’s Thriving BizarroCon Community

BizzaroCon Reading

I’m bored, and nobody loves me. That’s not exactly true, because I have a big family, so there’s always something I MUST do. But what can I do for fun? I think, generally, people do want to belong somewhere, to someTHING, and that is part of the reason why church services are often advertised as …

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Book Review: Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories, edited by Doug Murano and D. Alexander Ward

Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories

“Enough big-hitters to propel this collection to the top of any horror enthusiast’s to-read list.” Crystal Lake Publishing has taken the horror and dark fiction world by storm, introducing quality writing by both fresh new faces on the scene and those who have been feeding us nightmares for years. They’ve found their place—somewhere wedged between …

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Audiobook Review: The Nameless Dark by T. E. Grau, Read by Armen Taylor

The Nameless Dark cover

“Grau’s prose is poetic, often almost lyrical, and Taylor’s narration is a perfect fit for it, his voice as dark and rich as the stories he reads.” T.E. Grau’s debut collection, The Nameless Dark, has received high accolades from many outlets, not least of which is This Is Horror, where we reviewed it last month. …

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Book Review: Fury of the Chupacabras by Raegan Butcher

Fury of the Chupacabras by Raegan Butcher

“The book moves along at wild, almost chaotic speeds, hurling you into battle after battle with the blood-thirsty, eyeball sucking monsters” There have been a lot of creature feature type books reviewed here lately, and they’ve mostly been positive ones for the simple reason that they’ve all been outstanding books. Everyone loves a good, bloody, …

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The Surreal and Beautiful Art of Holly Francis

Fatel Flesh - Holly Francis

Every so often something comes across the This Is Horror news desk that completely blindsides us, compelling us to dig a little deeper to discover the artists shaping the sights and sounds of our Horror experiences. Holly Francis is one such artist, and we are proud to get an exclusive with her to showcase a …

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Let’s Play a Game – The Evolution of Fear in Video Games, Part II

Doom Screenshot

Continuing on from our previous piece on early horror themes in video games, This is Horror moves on to look at how the creepy, the startling and the downright gory began to fill gamers’ screens as the 16-bit console and PC revolution firmly took hold. A New Age of Atmosphere Before the age of 16-bit …

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Audiobook Review: Fellside by M. R. Carey, Read by Finty Williams

Fellside by MR Carey cover

“This is a sometimes uncomfortable book in the best ways, and its climax is satisfyingly brutal, ghostly and surprising.” M R Carey is probably best known for writing a number of successful comics (including an excellent adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere) and the breakout novel The Girl with All the Gifts. His new novel, Fellside, …

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Book Review: The Last Night by Mark Dunn

The Last Night cover

“If you are looking for a high octane adventure story which also offers new and interesting twists on classic ideas, look no further than to The Last Night.” The Last Night is the latest novel from Mark Dunn. Following on from the well-received A Girl in Mind, there are some parallels with his first novel, …

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