Category: Features

The Cutting Room: The Walking Dead Season 7

walking dead

Up until this point, our characters have lived through conflicts… Disease, hunger, scores of the undead, tragedy, betrayal, and unthinkable loss. Through this, they’ve become formidable. Powerful. Unstoppable. To start Season Seven, that power is taken away. They had found safety and stability. They had created a home. They thought the world was theirs. They …

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Exploring the Cold, Desolate Cosmos: Robert Aickman

Writer and editor Robert Aickman described his fiction as ‘strange stories’, though today most would agree his works exists fully in the weird. At first glance, especially for the uninitiated, his tales would seem to lean to the gothic side of literature, but once readers take the plunge and invest a little time in his …

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AHS: Roanoke Chapter 2: Recap, Spoilers and Predictions

AHS Little girl

So much optimism for the new season and second episode! Not for the characters, of course, they will all most likely and hopefully die a bloody death (Season 5 delivered a happy ending, this season owes us in blood). Optimism for gore and dirt and jump scares. American Horror Story has been incredibly shiny and …

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Look Out For … The Parts We Play by Stephen Volk and The Late Breakfasters by Robert Aickman

Robert Aickman - The Late Breakfasters - cover

Look Out For … The Parts We Play by Stephen Volk “The Parts We Play showcases stories written in different styles, settings and voices.” An illusionist preparing his latest, most audacious trick … A movie fan hiding from a totalitarian regime …  A pop singer created with the perfect ingredients for stardom …  A folklorist …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 26 September 2016

Stranger Things - Ryder

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Stranger Things—The Best Adaptation Of A Novel That Never Was Petey Mongelli Talks Spooky Empire 2016 Seven Turns Twenty-One Interview With Cruel Summer Writers/Directors Fifty Young Adult Horror Novels …

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Injured Eyeballs: Who the Fuck are the Horror Mood Team? Part 2

Skywald Nightmare cover - 1

In last month’s column I looked at the birth of the black and white horror comic boom that began in the mid 60s and flourished until the early 80s. How it was started by Warren Comics, but spawned more than a few imitators, all of whom avoided the draconian Comics Code Authority because they were …

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Look Out For … Electric Dreamhouse

Look Out For … Electric Dreamhouse “These books are clearly labours of love for the authors involved, personal responses to films that they’ve watched over and over.” Imagine if you will that the BFI had a disreputable cousin‎, a Northern Grindhouse with tastes a little darker and stranger. With staff who love their movies with …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 19 September 2016

Blair Witch Project

5 Must Read Horror Articles 19 September 2016 Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Stephen King’s Essay On The Blair Witch Project Making The Blair Witch Project Creating Don’t Breathe Interview With Deborah Sheldon Dark …

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The Cutting Room: Blair Witch

Blair Witch - 2016 - poster

A group of college students venture into the Black Hills Forest in Maryland to uncover the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of James’ sister who many believe is connected to the legend of the Blair Witch. At first the group is hopeful, especially when pair of locals offer to act as guides through the dark and …

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Look Out For … The Travelling Bag and Other Ghostly Stories by Susan Hill and Ten Tall Tales

The Traveling Bag - Susan Hill - cover

Look Out For … The Travelling Bag & Other Ghostly Stories “Within Hill’s characters and the spectres they face we see our modern concerns and fears, reflected back at us.” From the foggy streets of Victorian London to the eerie perfection of 1950s suburbia, the everyday is invaded by the evil otherworldly in this unforgettable …

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