Category: Features

5 Must Read Horror Articles 15 February 2016

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week. So, without further ado: How to Make a Horror Anthology, From The Creators of “V/H/S” And “Southbound” Deaditorial: Faith in Fright, or The Importance of Religion in the Horror Genre Horror Films Are Far Scarier than in …

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The Cutting Room – Revival

In a small New England town, over half a century ago, a shadow falls over a small boy playing with his toy soldiers. Jamie Morton looks up to see a striking man, the new minister Charles Jacobs, along with his beautiful wife. The men and boys are all a bit in love with Mrs. Jacobs …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 8 February 2016

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week. So, without further ado: The Ominous Ordinary: Horror Writers Finding Scares in the Everyday The Themes of John Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy Where Do We Find Lovecraftian Horror? Horror Drive-In: Retro Drive-In Snowstorm Keith Stuart On: Horror, Madness, …

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The Cutting Room – The Walking Dead Season Six

The world has been overrun by zombies, and a group of survivors, led by ex-Sheriff Rick Grimes, are battling to save themselves from not only the perambulating undead, but from their fellow human survivors. Picking up from the mid-season finale’s cliffhanger, things are undoubtedly about to go from bad to worse in the second half …

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Look Out For… Furnace by Livia Llewellyn and Obsidian: A Decade of Horror Stories by Women

Look Out For… Furnace by Livia Llewellyn “Livia Llewellyn’s stories generate an almost visceral sense of unease.” Horror fiction has long celebrated and explored the twin engines driving human existence. Call them what you like: Sex and Death, Love and Destruction, Temptation and Terror. While many may strive to reach the extremes, few authors manage …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 1 February 2016

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week. So, without further ado: Darkness on the Edge of Town Loving the Alien: Thomas Ligotti and the Psychology of Cosmic Horror Black Mirror: Charlie Brooker’s Eerily Accurate Future Visions Where Are We Going? Some Reflections on British …

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The Cutting Room – Damien

Damien follows the adult life of Damien Thorn, the mysterious child from the 1976 motion picture The Omen who has grown up seemingly unaware of the satanic forces around him. Haunted by his past, Damien must now come to terms with his true destiny — that he is the Antichrist. Barbara Hershey stars as Ann …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 25 January 2016

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week. So, without further ado: The Value of Nightmares: How The Academy Awards Continue to Ignore Horror Last Year’s Horror Cornucopia: Suffering in Style An Appreciation of Claymation Horror Expert Lee Hardcastle A Bloody Good Time: ABGT Face-Off: …

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The Cutting Room – 10 Cloverfield Lane

After a car accident, a young woman wakes up in an underground cellar, where most of the action takes place. She fears she has been abducted by a survivalist, who tells her he saved her life and that a chemical attack has left the outside world uninhabitable. Uncertain what to believe, she decides she must …

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Horrify Me Makes Your Bloodiest Nightmare Come True (NSFW)

We receive all kinds of emails at This Is Horror. Usually they are press releases for a DVD, or upcoming film festivals, and horror conventions. Occasionally though, something comes across the news desk that is a little out of the ordinary and deserving of its own special spot, so when we saw an email from …

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