Category: Features

Who is Lawrence Gordon Clark?

So, I am back for my monthly mumblings on matters monstrous, after taking a sabbatical due mainly to being far too busy than any man has a right to be. Plus 2013 was a difficult year healthwise, capped off by a house move right at the beginning of the New Year. I had to let …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 3 February 2014

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: Author Tim Lebbon’s Top Ten Alien Moments 6 Iconic Horror Characters With Almost No Screen Time Invasion of the Body Snatchers: An American Commentary The Survival of Horror …

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Wolf Creek: The Franchise

Wolf Creek books

When the Aussie film Wolf Creek was first released, people didn’t know just what to make of it. Is it just another slasher flick, or is it something more? It seemed generic and cliché, but underneath that ‘just another horror film’ exterior beat the heart of a new dawn of Australian horror franchise. Some backpackers …

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Told Round the Peat Fire

The intention of this column has always been to recall the forgotten or overlooked voices of horror, and what could be more at risk of being lost than our folkloric past. Part of an oral tradition, many of our oldest stories were passed from speaker to speaker, learnt by heart to entertain those gathered around …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 24 January 2014

Welcome to Must Read Horror, the place to find the best horror articles of the week. Once again we’ve searched the internet for interesting and notable articles for your reading pleasure. This week: Examining the Critical Reaction to The Thing 5 Horror Movie Endings That Defy Basic Logic Please Stop Killing the Dog Edgar Allan …

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The Weird World of Bill Alexander

Bill Alexander

There is a lot of talk amongst the Horrorati at the moment about Quiet Horror. A sub-genre that seems to mainly concern itself with timid vampires and shy werewolves whose worst crimes would appear to be dropping a thigh bone in the school library or letting one rip during the two minute silence on Remembrance …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 20 January 2014

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: The Real Madame Lalaurie & Other Legends From American Horror Story: Coven The 9 Best Satanic Cults in History Nightmare Royale #10: Horror and Shit (On the Mind-Blowing …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 13 January 2014

Welcome to this week’s edition of Must Read Horror, your one-stop shop for the best horror articles the internet has to offer. This week: Horror-Loving Kids and the Parents Who Encourage It 10 Vintage British Horror Films You Can’t Afford To Miss Weird Menace: From Grandpa’s Torture Porn To Scooby Doo and Beyond Your Favourite …

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A Warning to the Curious

M.R. James

A natural enough follow-up to my previous column might have been to look at the work of Edgar Allan Poe, but a comment from David Surface last month got me thinking about M. R. James and, what with it being Christmas as I write this, well, it seems silly not to look at James instead. …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 6 January 2014

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. As we bid farewell to 2013 and usher in 2014, remove its coat, and force it into a corner with a stiff whiskey, you’ll be pleased to know that the internet is still teeming with fantastic horror articles, and that we will continue to force them upon you …

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