Category: Features

Wolves in Outback Australia

Wolf Creek

 With Wolf Creek 2 about to be unleashed on the world, it may be time to look back at the career of writer/director Greg McLean. He has written, directed, and produced all his films except for Red Hill (2010). McLean first trained as a fine artist, but then went on to complete a graduate diploma …

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Off With His Head! Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Horror

My fascination with decapitation myths (should I admit that?) was sparked by the apocrypha stories of Salome and Judith. Salome’s ‘Dance of the Seven Veils’, a striptease of sorts for her stepfather, King Herod, was performed in exchange for the head of John the Baptist. Judith in comparison was a lot more hands on, stealing …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 30 December 2013

Welcome to Must Read Horror, the place to find the best horror articles of the week. Once again we’ve searched the internet for interesting and notable articles for your reading pleasure. This week: Haunted Holidays: Scary Lady Writers The Year in Horror: The Scariest Moments of 2013 Ghosts of Christmas Past: Why Were the Victorians …

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There IS A Sanity Clause – Proof Positive that Santa Really Does Exist

Silent Night Christmas Horror

I’m presuming gentle reader that, if you’re a regular visitor to the This Is Horror site, then you’re probably going to spend the best part of this season of ‘peace on earth and goodwill to all men’, watching as many of your fellow men get maimed, dismembered and murdered as is humanly possible. Can you …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 23 December 2013

It’s that time of year again; the time for pulling toilet-paper tubes covered in gold paper because it’s tradition, a time when you don’t think twice about catching herpes beneath a hemi-parasitic plant because it’s the done thing, and a time when we all casually await a fat man who may or may not make …

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Three Things American Horror Story Got Right

AHS maid

American Horror Story premiered in the United States in October 2011 as an anthological television series where each season told a different story with different characters, often played by actors from other seasons. Though, I don’t think that viewers knew that this unique quality of the series was planned. I know I was a bit …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 16 December 2013

Christmas is almost upon us once again, but if you think all that merriment and silliness will stop us from finding the best horror articles of the week, think again. This week on Must Read Horror: Ho Ho Horrors – The Favourite Christmas Movies of Roger Corman, Mick Garris, Neil Gaiman, and More! Top Ten …

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Less is More: Short Horror

Edgar Allan Poe

My first column for This is Horror… hmm, what to do? I’m gonna go with ‘Less is More: Short Horror’ with the intention of focussing on short stories in the genre. As a kind of ‘getting to know each other’ piece, this first will look at the form and its suitability for telling dark tales, …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 9 December 2013

Welcome to Must Read Horror, the place to find the best horror articles of the week. Once again we’ve searched the internet for interesting and notable articles for your reading pleasure. This week: Our Sinister Sisters: The Girl Monster On Screen Santa Showdown: Gremlins Vs. Rare Exports Remembering Michael Jackson’s Thriller – 30 Years Later …

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Interview: Sean Hogan Vs Gary McMahon

The following interview/discussion should have taken place in a cosy pub over a few pints, but due to logistics it was conducted over a short period of time via email. The brief was for each of the subjects to interview the other, but in the format of an informal chat rather than a structured interview. …

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