Category: Features

5 Must Read Horror Articles 11 November 2013

Welcome to Must Read Horror, the place to find the best horror articles of the week. Once again we’ve searched the internet for interesting and notable articles for your reading pleasure. This week: Horror is Hot: How Horrible Do You Have to Be? 15 Incredibly Tenuous Horror and Sci-Fi Sequels Dan O’Bannon and the Origins …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 4 November 2013

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: A Two Coreys Halloween: The Essential Horror Movies of Haim and Feldman Everyone Has a Skeleton in Their Closet: 15 Oscar-Nominated Actors in Television Horror Anthologies Revolt of …

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Happy Birthday Creepshow

Growing up on the outskirts of a small Northern shipyard town in the 1980s I didn’t get much opportunity to read the sort of gruesome, blood-soaked comics for which my dark heart longed. My father never threw my horror comics in the trash because I didn’t have any. In fact given the proclivity of my …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 29 October 2013

Welcome to this week’s edition of Must Read Horror, your one-stop shop for the best horror articles the internet has to offer. This week: Carrie Face-Off: Remake Vs. Original 11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity Why John Carpenter is the Most Underrated Filmmaker of Our Time Phantasmagorical Ponderings: …

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Eraserhead and Me


   I recently had the opportunity to watch David Lynch’s Eraserhead on Blu-ray. This was an especially momentous occasion, as I hadn’t seen this quite astounding surrealist nightmare of a film for many years. It’s a remarkable piece – definitely one of the strangest and most beguiling movies ever made, and I feel as if …

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Happy Halloween 3: The Devil Made ’Em Do It

  It’s that time again. My co-favourite holiday always rolls up by surprise, even though we can see it coming from a mile away. There’s something about the blazing hot summer that seems to drag on forever that lulls me into a sun-baked stupor by the time October hits, and it’s tough to shake until …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 7 October 2013

It’s that time again, folks! We’ve been scouring for the best horror articles the internet has to offer. This week on Must Read Horror: What Stanley Kubrick Got Wrong About The Shining Face Off: Leprechaun in Space Vs. Jason X 15 French Horror Films You Won’t Forget In A Hurry How Horror Films Continue to …

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Australia’s Most Terrifying and Haunted Places: Tasmania, Land of Convicts and Cannibals

Skull of Alexander Pearce

Well, here we are, ready for another round of Haunted Australia. In the past, I’ve covered Victoria (my home) and New South Wales, the site of the first landing when Australia was colonised. As such, you’d expect New South Wales to have the strongest history of hauntings, but you could be wrong. Down below mainland …

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Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

Wolf horror

As we saw last month with H.G. Wells’ The Island of Doctor Moreau, our baser natures and bestial instincts can never truly be entirely suppressed. Wells implies that we all have the capacity to revert back to more primitive states in certain situations, that we all still unavoidably bear the “mark of the beast” though …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 30 September 2013

Welcome to Must Read Horror, the place to find the best horror articles of the week. Once again we’ve searched the internet for interesting and notable articles for your reading pleasure. This week: Is Horror the Toughest Genre to Crack? 10 Killer Reasons Why Being a Horror Fan is Awesome The One Thing That Scares …

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