Category: Features

Music for European Zombies, Slashers and Lord Dagon Himself

Maniac soundtrack

My very first column for This Is Horror, back in December 2011, was about collecting horror movie soundtracks. It was my intention, way back then, to revisit the subject with some regularity, and yet here we are in September 2013 and I still have yet to say anything more about one of the most vital …

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Shut the f*** up – I’m writing

blood sausage

Authenticity is everything when it comes to writing. Especially when you’re writing about things that are very unlikely to happen. Like decapitating a member of the walking dead with a malfunctioning sex toy. Or staking a vampire with the sharpened end of a frozen blood sausage. If this is outside of the author’s experience then …

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Turn On, Tune In, Drop Dead

Abandoned phone

Recently, I went to a movie with my wife and noticed a strange thing. It started with the fidgety guy to my right and fanned out like Wildfire Tommy Rich (obscure wrestling reference) from there. It was almost as if the guy unwittingly pulled the pin on an attention deficit grenade, sucking a large portion …

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Horror Networks in Australia

Aradale Asylum

Last week I started a new website and Facebook page, Horror Net Australia. It seeks to track down and list all the horror-themed businesses in Australia, which has long been a fancy of mine. Imagine, if you will, a one-stop shop for all things horror in the whole country. Through the process of creating the …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles – 9 September 2013

Blade Wesley Snipes

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: The Superheroes of Horror: The Good, The Bad & The Future 10 Failed Horror Movies Without a Single Scare When Hollyoaks Actors Do Horror Five Horror Classics That …

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H.G. Wells’ Manufactured Monsters

The Island of Doctor Moreau

This column has so far been preoccupied with the act of looking back. Not only in terms of its purpose – to unearth lesser-known works of eighteenth and nineteenth century authors – but also with regard to the stories themselves, which habitually focus on the echoes of the past disrupting the present. Continuing from last …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles – 26 August 2013

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: Ten Classic Horror Movies That Suck (According to the Internet) The Top 5 Takashi Miike Films Why the British Are Frightfully Good at Horror Freddy Vs. Jason – …

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New Boss, Same As The Old

One Nation Under Surveillance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan… does that sound good to you? Yeah, me neither. Unfortunately, it’s one of those all-too-true jokes that we know reaches its audience when it’s met with more winces than laughs. Considering where we’ve come as a society in just five short years, I …

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Publishing Horror in Australia

Kirstyn McDermott

Worldwide, the biggest publisher of horror fiction and non-fiction through the years would have to be the United States. Although the genre received initial release through the Gothic writers of the UK, America then went on to claim the genre with writers such as HP Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe. Comparative to Europe and the …

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5 Must Read Articles – 5 August 2013

Soska Sisters

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror. You want great horror articles? This is the place to find the best the web has to offer. This week: Conjuring a Fright: What Makes a Great Horror Movie? 10 Triumphs of Low Budget Horror Film Making Sisters and Shivers: Women Who Make Horror Movies The History and …

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