Category: Features

5 Must Read Horror Articles, 29 July 2013

The Conjuring

Welcome to Must Read Horror, the place to find the best horror articles of the week. Once again we’ve searched the internet for interesting and notable articles for your reading pleasure. This week: The Real Story Behind The Conjuring and Four Other Horror Movies ‘Based on True Events’ Ten Best Haunted House Horror Movies Mutants …

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Getting Ready for Frightfest 2013

Curse of Chucky

It’s that time again. The sleepy queue has been duly survived, the festival passes have been purchased, and the free film viewed. This year it was James Wan’s paranormal investigator thriller The Conjuring, due out in UK cinemas in August. The movie has had good reviews stateside but I have to say that while it …

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What’s The Message?

film school

Recently, I had the chance to screen a student film that starred an old friend of mine, written and directed by a kid who’s about to graduate from my alma mater…well, not really my alma mater, since I’m a dropout, but you get the idea. It was shot digitally, like almost everything these days, with …

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Ghost-hunting in Australia (aka There’s Something Behind Me, Isn’t There?) Part Two

Australian morgue

Last month we began this outline of a weekend full of paranormal investigations at the abandoned Aradale Lunatic Asylum here in southern Australia. This column continues where the last left off… and moves right into the good part. Well, the more intense and interesting part, anyway. Previously: From Friday 17 May to Sunday 19 May, …

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After Fight Club, Part II

Brad Pitt Fight Club body shot

Each of the books discussed here features people with similar quirks: there are tortured artists (Diary, Haunted), attention-seekers (Choke, Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, Survivor), experts in the many and varied uses of narcotics (Choke, Invisible Monsters, Lullaby – well, all of them, really). There are therapy junkies, sex addicts, fraudsters, trailer trash, delusionals, sacrificial women, …

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Real writers don’t write about the supernatural

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

This month’s column topic readily sprang to mind as soon as I heard about it: one of my online author friends (who shall remain nameless) had received an email from some wag who said “I’ve never read your work and I never shall, because you are not a real writer. Real writers don’t write about …

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Reflections of Rebecca

The intention of this column has always been to recall the lost or forgotten voices of horror, to remember those writers who, for whatever reason, have become forgotten or overlooked with the passing of time. But what I want to consider this month are the characters who are overlooked or forgotten within their texts, marginalised …

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Rejection Letters – How to Write and Respond to Them

Greetings gentle reader, before we get down to the business of this month’s column, I’d like to tell you a horror story. A real life horror story. Keep on reading…

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Zombies, Zombies, Zombies!

With the UK release of World War Z imminent, and the US Encyclopedia of the Zombie forthcoming (that I’ve written some essays for, namely on Tobe Hooper’s Lifeforce, Hammer’s Plague of the Zombies and the Phantasm series of films), I’ve been on a bit of a zombie movie re-watch recently. The zombie has always been …

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Black Static and its importance to women horror writers

The first copy of The Third Alternative (as it then was) that I ever bought was Issue 19, Spring 1999. I was in the Oxford Circus branch of Borders (now sadly defunct), looking for magazines of new horror fiction, not knowing if such a thing even existed. Keep on reading…

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