Category: Features

The fear of God and real-life horrors of fundamentalist religion

Hi there. Yes, I’ve been away for a while. Yes, I know, this is supposed to be a monthly column. There’ve been reasons, but I won’t bother you with them just now. Maybe another time. Meanwhile, picture this: The final scene of Hammer’s Dracula. Christopher Lee, red-eyed, teeth bared – demonic, imposing, all but immortal; …

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Happy Valentine’s Day: Horror Style

L-O-V-E, love. That fickle, mercurial, elusive beast. Guardian angel to some, white whale to others. Since the dawn of time, it’s been responsible for saving the souls and dashing the hopes of countless courters in equal measure, lifting some spirits to the heavens to breathe new life into their hosts, while smashing some dreams to …

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On Behalf of Neglected Night Creatures

It’s not that I hate vampires and zombies. Like many fans of dark fiction, I was once seduced by Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Le Fanu’s Carmilla and Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire. I watched all of Buffy and some of Angel. The first season of True Blood was intriguing, as was its premise, though …

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The Secret History of St. Valentine’s Day (And Sex and Beauty in Horror)

St. Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us once again, when thoughts turn to love and our nearest and dearest. A day that is bound up with and representative of all that is deemed the epitome of romantic; hearts and flowers, candlelit dinners, kisses and nights between silken sheets. However, look into the history of the …

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Who invented horror comics?

I was a guest on James DC’s excellent Atomic Bark show on Resonance FM recently. The theme of the show was EC and pre-code horror comics – that wonderful cavalcade of quickly drawn, anonymously written and often badly printed horror comics that flourished for five brief years in the 1950s before the creation of the …

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80s Horror Cinema: The Empire of the Eighties

The release of Steve Kostanski’s quite marvellous Manborg, soon to be reviewed elsewhere on the This Is Horror site by my good self, has this month had me thinking about the movies that inspired it, and the circumstances under which I discovered them. Keep on reading…

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10 Must Read Horror Articles 14 January 2013

Welcome, once again, to Must Read Horror, the place to discover the best articles of the week. This week is a double edition with 10 must read horror articles:   Who do you think you AAARGH! – A Texas Chainsaw Family History On the set of the Evil Dead remake – Part One Behind The …

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Wide Open Fear: Australian Horror and Gothic Fiction

In her introduction to Australis Imaginarium (2010), Tehani Wessely succinctly summarises an idea that has become something of a truism when it comes to discussing horror and dark fantasy stories with Australian settings… Keep on reading…

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The Fear of Rats – Musophobia (aka Suriphobia / Murophobia)

This month, we take a look at rodents. Considering our cities are now supposedly infested with rats, it’s interesting to try and understand what makes these urban vermin so scary to some. Realistically, it all started in 1664… Keep on reading…

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Looking forward to 2013 (Peter Cushing style)

I am writing this on the first day of 2013 and, like many others around the globe, I am pondering what’s in store for the next 365 days. No doubt there are going to be millions of column inches devoted to forthcoming genre books, events and films plastered all over the internet in the coming …

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