Category: Features

Why every horror fan should attend a film festival

John Llewellyn Probert provides a strong case for the film festival in his latest instalment of The Bloodstained Balcony. The Fun of the Horror Festival

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What’s the worst that could happen at Motel 6?

In BC Furtney’s latest instalment of Horror of Babylon he explores the terrifying world of Motel 6. Horror of Babylon – March 2012

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Thank You For Not Smoking

Today is ‘No Smoking’ Day. So who better, than Scarla author and resident columnist BC Furtney who has “never smoked a cigarette in his life” to lay down our Thank You For Not Smoking article? Thank You For Not Smoking

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International Women’s Day: Decapitating Gingerbread Men

As some of you will know today is International Women’s Day and as way of commemoration we have one of the most exciting writers in the genre today, Cate Gardner, speaking on horror. Cate puts forward an argument – rather persuasively I’d say – that it’s horror within the innocuous that hits home far harder …

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How to deal with bad reviews and learn from them

This month Simon Marshall-Jones explores bad reviews and the lessons that can be learnt. He also explains what not to do and how to tackle one-star sticklers. How to deal with a bad review and become a better writer

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Should writers worry about novel adaptations?

That’s the question that Shaun Hutson is tackling head on his latest instalment of The Gorefather. Specifically, the pulp veteran is looking at video games. Book to Video Game Adaptations

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How to make comics scary

Jasper Bark has the lowdown in his latest instalment of Injured Eyeballs. What makes comics scary?

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What is a bad horror movie?

John Llewellyn Probert invites readers to The Bloodstained Balcony where he explains what makes a bad horror movie. No really, a catastrophic horror movie. This isn’t good bad. This is bad bad. Truly Terrible Horror Cinema

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An alternative Valentine’s message from a Horror Publisher

Heart door

Our columnist and Spectral Press owner, Simon Marshall-Jones drops by to commemorate Valentine’s Day with a very special article. Learn about the grizzly side, and alternative history of Valentine’s Day. My Bloody Valentine

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Real life horror: Annette Bright and Charles Koschalk

This month BC Furtney’s Horror of Babylon is hard-hitting and very real. If you prefer your horror to remain in fiction, do not read any further… Horror of Babylon: February 2012

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