Category: Features

What is a chapbook? (And why every horror reader should own at least one)

Today is International Short Story Day. We thought we’d do our bit and celebrate a literary art form that has undergone something of a revival recently – the chapbook. The chapbook is perhaps the short story in its ultimate form – a self contained, ordinarily limited and luxury edition. Find out a little bit about …

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Have we had enough of found footage films?

Voyeurism is an intrinsic part of the human condition – you only have to witness what happens on a motorway when an accident has occurred on the other side of the central reservation to see that. Perhaps there is a perverse sense of schadenfreude within us all, the ability to take pleasure in the suffering …

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5 Classic Horror Movies (and an XXX Parody)

BC Furtney has been trying to get banned or censored from This Is Horror for the past thirteen months. We finally decided to censor him when he tried to put a link to a full-length porn feature into his latest column. For a run-down of 5 Classic Horror Movies and some context you are best …

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Are you the reason outsiders look down on horror?

One of the common complaints I hear from those who love the horror genre is the lack of respect given to it from those who read literary works. There appears to be an ill-informed assumption from these so-called literary snobs and those who don’t read horror material, that it’s all about zombies, vampires, werewolves and …

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What Return of the Living Dead taught us about horror

There are so many things that the iconic Return of the Living Dead has done for horror. Here, JD Gillam explores just a few of them. 11 Firsts from Return of the Living Dead

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Prometheus is here, so let’s look back at Alien

To mark the premiere of Prometheus, Simon Marshall-Jones looks back on the legendary 1979 sci-fi horror, Alien. Looking back at Alien (before Prometheus lands)  

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China Miéville, Joseph D’Lacey and Mark Morris

Simon Marshall-Jones provides us an account of the January This Is Horror fiction event, from the perspective of the horror host. Event Report: China Miéville, Joseph D’Lacey and Mark Morris

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Tim Marquitz speaks about Four in the Morning

A brand new collection from four new horror writers is set to land on June 1 2012. Four in the Morning will see a story from Lincoln Crisler, Tim Marquitz, Malon Edwards and Edward M. Erdelac. To commemorate the launch of this collection, This Is Horror have invited the writers to share their thoughts on …

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Meet The Reader: Jay Eales

Meet comic book aficionado Jay Eales: fan, writer, journalist and publisher. He recently moderated a comic-related panel at the 2012 Alt Fiction event, as well as giving a talk about small press comics at the States of Independence event in Leicester. Not to mention recently guest-lecturing a writing class on comic scriptwriting. You could, perhaps, …

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The importance of comic book covers (and the paradox of clichés)

Jasper Bark explains just why comic book covers may be both the most important and best covers of all. The importance of comic book covers

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