Category: Features

5 Reasons Why You Should Read At Least One HP Lovecraft Story

Today marks the birthday of HP Lovecraft, one of the most influential horror writers of the 20th Century. Lovecraft wrote hundreds of short stories and novellas from 1917 right up until his death in 1937. Stephen King proclaimed him one of the greatest practitioners of the classic horror tale, and yet some readers find his …

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Never Sleep Again – Nightmare on Elm Street Memories

We’ve spent the last week at Probert Towers watching Never Sleep Again, a quite remarkably exhaustive four-hour plus documentary on the Nightmare On Elm Street series of films and pretty much the last word on the subject. The team behind this have gathered together as many key personnel from each of these movies as they …

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The influence of MR James on the horror genre

On the 1 August this year Montague Rhodes James would have celebrated his 150th birthday. It would be very difficult to overestimate the enormous influence the quiet academic has had on the horror genre, inspiring authors like Stephen King and Ramsey Campbell. That influence continues to inspire newer writers such as Gary McMahon and Adam …

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Happy Birthday M.R. James – Part II

Bringing our tribute to M.R. James to a close, we continue our retrospective on his stories by asking some incredibly talented writers to tell us about their favourite Jamesian tales. Read more…

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Horror retrospective: Day of the Dead

A bare white room. Head lowered, Sarah sits slumped upon the tiled floor. She raises her head as John Harrison’s eerie synth score starts up. She takes in a calendar on the wall; rising, she stares at it with a strange, wistful smile on her face. It’s October; all the days in the month have …

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Happy Birthday M.R. James

Today would have been the 150th birthday of English writer M.R. James. Having written such famous and inspirational stories as ‘Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad,’ and ‘The Ash-Tree’, we decided to honour the great man by asking some superb writers and members of staff to tell us about their favourite M.R. …

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Distractions and the modern artist

Indeed, these are strange times we live in. Whether you’re a writer, filmmaker, musician, painter, or other, there are so many resources and so much technology at our Disposer—er, disposal (Don’t know that one? Hey, Google it.)—it’s easy to get lost in the crashing waves. Read more…

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A grave state – an exploration of the horror genre today

Ever since I started reading horror in my teens, people have been declaring the death of the genre, yet horror novels continue to be written and published. You often hear of folk being nostalgic for the horror boom of the 80s, but really was that such a renaissance of the field? For all the great …

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The fear of clowns – coulrophobia

In the first of a new regular feature, we take a look at modern phobias that infiltrate our modern lives. Fears can be rational or irrational, but if someone suffers from one, they can be paralysed by it to the point that it can affect their adult existence. In extreme cases, it can stop people …

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Quoth movie versions of The Raven evermore?

The end of July sees the release on DVD of the latest movie to bear the title The Raven. It stars John Cusack, is directed by James McTeague (V for Vendetta) and isn’t bad. I know that sounds as if I’m damning it with faint praise and in a way I am. More on this …

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