Category: Features

The rapid decline of monster movies (and can Dirty Harry cure world hunger?)

What on earth does Dirty Harry have to do with monster movies, decline or otherwise? You better take a walk onto The Bloodstained Balcony and find out. The rapid decline of monster movies

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The Top 10 Vampire Movies

Today we welcome Sam Stone, award-winning author of The Vampire Gene series to This Is Horror to discuss ten of her favourite vampire films. The Top 10 Vampire Movies

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BC Furtney’s Year of Horror

Well, here we are. This is a milestone of sorts, as you’re reading the twelfth instalment of my column, Horror of Babylon. Which, of course, marks one year of bloodshed & mayhem featured exclusively here at This Is Horror. A more gracious web host, I can’t imagine. I remember discussing the idea of such a …

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Can we really trust reviews?

Reviews: it’s what writers and publishers alike both love and dread. A good review can brighten anyone’s day, as it validates all the effort that’s been put into the work and rewards the faith that the publisher had in the writer’s talent. It can also lead to more sales, which is always something to be …

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Film to Book Adaptations

The book business calls them novelisations. That is the act of turning a film script into a novel. In truth they can turn out to be more like that old adage of trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Novelisations

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10 English Horror Writers

Today is both St George’s Day and World Book Night. With that in mind, it seemed highly appropriate that we bring you this list of ten horror authors that have helped shape horror fiction into the joyous creation that we know and love today. It’s worth noting that this is neither an extensive nor a …

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Horror Hosts

In his latest instalment of Injured Eyeballs, Jasper Bark talks about Horror Hosts and the legendary Rod Serling. Injured Eyeballs: Horror Hosts

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Hands up who likes Hostel?

Hands up who likes Eli Roth’s Hostel? Ah yes, quite a few of you, and as you can see I have my hand up as well. Now who likes Eli Roth’s Hostel II? Some of the hands have gone down, including mine but still a fair number of you. Hands up who likes Hostel?

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VHS Horror

In his latest instalment of Horror of Babylon, BC Furtney reminisces about the glory days of the VCR. The VCR Era  

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An in-depth look at chainsaw classic Pieces

In 1983, I was fourteen years old and, as much as my mates and I talked about horror films and wished we could get hold of Betamax copies of The Evil Dead or The Entity, the fact is that the two films I most wanted to see that summer were Return of the Jedi and …

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