Last year we told you that if you simply liked us on Facebook you could win horror prizes. We announced a preliminary list of prizes and promised we would announce the full line-up at a later date. Well friends, with January 31 now past the competition has closed and the final prizes are listed below. …
Category: Features
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The great e-book revolution (and why you should judge a book by its cover)
This month, Simon Marshall-Jones examines social media and the influx of e-books. Why you should judge a book by its cover
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A horror writer’s guide to Australian Horror
As many of you will know, yesterday was Australia Day; we decided it would be a good idea to commemorate this with a horror twist. So after careful consideration we made contact with Lisa L Hannett, the author of Bluegrass Symphony and we’re very glad we did, and are sure you will be too! An …
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Where has traditional horror gone and will it ever come back?
This month the most decorated man in horror, Wayne Simmons asked The Gorefather Shaun Hutson a superb question that formed the basis for his January column. This is what Wayne asked, “For me, your writing feels like Noir: most of your protagonists are as fucked up as the antagonists, more anti-heroes than heroes. There’s lots …
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What is a good review?
John Llewellyn Probert checks in from Probert Towers to talk film reviews with us this month. The Bloodstained Balcony – January 2012
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Top 10 Horror Films for Friday the 13th
Seeing as it’s Friday the 13th today, it got us thinking at This Is Horror about what films you should consider watching on this dark and cold night in the middle of winter. However, we’re tired of the same old lists that include, admittedly, classic horror films such as The Exorcist etc. Top 10 Horror …
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Found: One Severed Head
I’ll tell you something, nothing kick-starts widespread killer-on-the-loose panic quicker than finding a severed head in a suburban shopping plaza dumpster. Well, I guess I hail from a pretty exciting enclave of morbid death and destruction, despite the disinterest that largely characterised my formative years, because that’s exactly the scenario that played out in and …
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A Publishers Guide to Editing
So, just what is this editing lark then? What’s it all about? And do writers really need editors? What, exactly, is the relationship between an author and his/her editor? Spectral Press’ Guide to Editing
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