Category: Features

AudioFear: Dark Jazz


Constantly on the hunt for new music, my tastes shift from Behemoth to Miles Davis. Metal is great but can be a little difficult to write to for some people. The most obvious complaint is that the lyrics can get in the way of story. Worst case scenario, or best case depending on your perspective, …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 23 Jul 2018

Stephen King

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: The Telegraph announce horror fiction sales at a four-year high Vice’s Garage platform features a set of photos this week, with signs of the zodiac equated to horror villains …

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Look Out For … Behind the Door by Mary SanGiovanni

Behind the Door by Mary SanGiovanni - Cover

“SanGiovanni’s special blend of rural occult horror promises to send a chill down our spines with an exciting character readers can’t get enough of.”    On the border of Pennsylvania and New Jersey lies the rural town of Zarepath. Deep in the woods stands a door. Where it came from, and where it leads—no one …

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Searchlight: Where Nightmares Come From

Where Nightmares Come From

Many authors say you shouldn’t read books on how to write fiction. They feel writing is too subjective an art form to be narrowed down into a set of rules. While there’s a lot of truth in that sentiment, that statement also sounds like a rule, and you know what they say about rules. Personally, …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 16 Jul 2018


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Netflix announce Ghoul, a new three-part horror series from India Buzzfeed look back through their childhood VHS library and pick out thirteen films which were more horror than kid-friendly Paste …

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Look Out For … Bone Parish by Cullen Bunn & Jonas Scharf

Bone Parish - cover

“Cullen Bunn is one of the best writers working in the field of horror comics today, and this new title blending crime and horror has nightmare fuel written all over it. “ New Orleans has a serious problem with a new drug. Made from the ashes of the dead, dealers are starting wars to control …

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Streaming Screams: Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser

Leviathan- The Story of Hellraiser

Clive Barker’s Hellraiser was a game changer for horror movies. Iconic, influential, and inspiring numerous knockoffs and parodies, both Hellraiser and its sequel Hellbound rank high among the greatest modern horror films ever made. Part I of this two-part documentary is available to watch for SHUDDER subscribers and covers all the bases of the first …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 9 Jul 2018


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Taking their cue from The First Purge, IGN have a rundown of the best political horror movies Nerdist explain why Last House on the Left is still horror’s ‘gut punch’ after all …

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Look Out For … Ahab’s Return: or The Last Voyage by Jeffrey Ford

Ahab's Return by Jeffrey Ford - cover

“Jeffrey Ford is one the most imaginative writers in the business, and to see him tackle a sequel to one of the greatest novels ever written with his own style and flair should be a sight to behold.”   Captain Ahab lives! Yes, he survived his encounter with the whale. Sadly, rumors of his untimely …

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Audiofear: Hush


Talk to just about any writer you know about their mood music for writing and you’ll get every possible response. At one end of the spectrum you have those who avoid music altogether, the sound of the keys clacking away and the occasional slurp of the writing fuel of choice the only interruption to their …

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