Category: Features

5 Must Read Horror Articles 13 Nov 2017


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Bloody Disgusting list ten video games written by proven horror directors The Verge take an in-depth look at Thelma – a superhero horror full of metaphor Mental Floss break down nine …

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Look Out For … After The End of the World by Jonathan L. Howard

After the End of the World by Jonathan L. Howard

“The long-awaited sequel to Jonathan L. Howard’s Carter & Lovecraft is just the perfect thing to round out this chilly autumn season.”   An alternate history where the Cold War never happened. The Nazi’s are in control, ruling behind the ruins of the Iron Curtain. In the Unfolded World, monsters are all too real, and things …

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The Elvis Room: Heart Attack Hotel

The Elvis Room - Check Under the Name

Every hotel has one. The room they keep free just in case a high-profile guest appears from nowhere, ready to sprinkle a little of their celebrity stardust onto the establishment. But what if you’re desperate? If you have nowhere else to go? The hotel would have to let you stay there, right? What could possibly …

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Look Out For … The Beauty by Aliya Whiteley

The Beauty by Aliya Whiteley - cover

 “Whenever a writer is compared to the likes of Margaret Atwood, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Jeff VanderMeer, with dystopian, hard-hitting fiction, everyone should take notice. “   ‘The Group’. All men, no women. Nathan narrates this tale, and continuously reshapes his role as storyteller. The strange epidemic killed all the women, and now even …

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Tattered Tomes: Ghost Story by Peter Straub, Revisited

ghost story - peter straub - pocket books - apr 1980

If it wasn’t for Stephen King’s massive horror book Danse Macabre, I might not have ever read Ghost Story, or even heard of Peter Straub. I’ll save Danse Macabre for another column, as here we will dive deep into the deep end with the first Peter Straub novel I ever read. Sure, I’d seen Ghost …

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Searchlight: John Carpenter

John Carpenter

He does not need an introduction. John Carpenter is one of the Masters of Horror. A maverick, visionary, and extremely influential, Carpenter’s work taps into the visceral, primal fears we all know too well, driving our nightmares with iconic imagery and pulse-pounding suspense, with his tongue firmly in cheek for a lot of it. He …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles 30 Oct 2017


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: The New York Times charts the rise and rise of horror at the box office Rotten Tomatoes finds out about Tobin Bell’s (The Saw Series) all-time top five horror movies …

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The State of the Horror Address: October 2017


Horror is having a stellar year in 2017. Last year, many prophesized the death of horror, the death of the horror novel, the death of the horror film, and like a phoenix rising from the ashes of all those burned dreams, we find that horror is not only alive and well, but kicking ass and …

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Look Out For … Dark Masques, edited by J.N. Williamson

Dark Masques, edited by J.N. Williamson

“When a long out-of-print anthology resurfaces, especially one of this caliber, it’s time for readers to rejoice with the knowledge that yes, someone out there remembers the horror classics. “ We all wear masks. Some times to hide our hidden desires, other times to blend in with the crowd. Occasionally, these masks slip, and reveal …

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Hardwired for Fear: Why We Love to be Scared

Race With the Devil

  Can you feel it? That buzz in the air, as the temperatures start to fall and the leaves on the trees begin to decay? You can smell wood smoke on the breeze, wafting forth as the clouds part, revealing the witches moon and ensconcing Halloween firmly within the framework of the season. That tremor …

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