Category: News

Ramsey Campbell, Gary McMahon, Simon Bestwick and Conrad Williams – Live in Manchester

Ramsey Campbell, Gary McMahon, Simon Bestwick, Conrad Williams

We are incredibly pleased to announce that on Saturday September 22 we will celebrate the launch of our second chapbook Thin Men with Yellow Faces by Gary McMahon and Simon Bestwick with a very special event. The launch event will be taking place at MadLab in Manchester from 6:30pm and will run through to approximately 8:15pm. …

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3 Must Read Horror Articles

This week on Must Read Horror Articles: A Buyer’s Guide to… The New Wave of French Horror When Worlds Collide: Sci-Fi and Horror Films Top 10 Asian Horror Films you have never heard of If you want more useful links like the must read horror articles we highlight every week, then please follow @ThisIsHorror on Twitter. …

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News Round-up Week Ending 24 August 2012


Stephen King and Joe Hill collaboration novella to be released soon Stephen King and Joe Hill will have their ebook collaboration In the Tall Grass published by Scribner in October 2012. The story begins with a brother and sister who hear a young boy crying for help in some tall grass to the side of the …

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Winners: HP Lovecraft’s Chill

Continuing the Lovecraft birthday celebrations, here are the winners of our HP Lovecraft competition. Each will receive a copy of Chill. Winners: David Lees, Mike Roth, Jennifer Griffin, David McWilliam and James Mathurin We will be contacting each of you shortly and sending out the DVDs. Congratulations to the prize winners and thank you to …

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4 Must Read Horror Articles

Poltergeist skeletons

This week on Must Read Horror Articles: The Horror of British TV Comedies [Remember This?] Spielberg Dumps JoBeth Williams in a Pool with Real Skeletons in Poltergeist Colin Harvey – one year on Discovery of M.R. James story gives chidden chance to write ghostly ending If you want more useful links like the must read …

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News Round-up Week Ending 17 August 2012

Moody Simmons

Wayne Simmons and David Moody signing tour Wayne Simmons and David Moody have announced that they will be going on a signing tour across the country from August to December. “Wayne and I have become something of a double-act at signings and events”, says David Moody, “So much so that Waterstones have started spreading the …

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RIP Harry Harrison: 12 March 1925 – 15 August 2012

So many individuals have had significant impact and influence upon our lives that it’s easy for the importance of those who have disappeared from our minds to dim and fade away. I hadn’t thought about Harry Harrison for many years – not in any meaningful sense, anyway – until this morning when I heard of …

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Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Trailer

The full-length trailer for Silent Hill’s highly anticipated sequel Silent Hill: Revelation 3D was recently unveiled. Cast members include Sean Bean (The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones), Deborah Kara Unger (The Game, The Samaritan) and Radha Mitchell (Man of Fire, The Crazies). The film will be released October 26 2012 ready for Halloween. …

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Win HP Lovecraft inspired horror Chill on DVD

Love classic horror and HP Lovecraft? Win one of five DVD copies of Chill through the This is Horror Facebook page. Simply go to the This is Horror Facebook page and vote for your favourite HP Lovecraft story. If you are one of the winners we will contact you through your facebook page, so be sure to check …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles

This week on Must Read Horror Articles: Great Collection of Thai Sci-Fi & Horror Movie Posters 10 Bizarre Creatures from Japanese Folklore My Top 10 Horror-Comedies of All Time 10 Beautifully Creepy Places British TV Horror and How It Made Me Who I Am If you want more useful links like the must read horror …

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