Category: News

Sam Stone, David Moody, Jasper Bark – Live in Birmingham

evening of horror - David Moody, Sam Stone, Conrad Williams, Jasper Bark

We are proud to present a brand new evening of horror literature at The Electric Cinema, Birmingham as part of Shock & Gore 2012, as award-winning horror author and crowd favourite Jasper Bark plays host to special guests David Moody and Sam Stone, three acclaimed authors who will be answering questions from the audience and …

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Happy Father’s Day

To commemorate Father’s Day, award-winning author Gary McMahon has written a confessional piece titled ‘Fathers, Sons and Monsters’. Read more…

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Joe & Me by David Moody Chapbooks are now being sent out

After an abundance of orders from around the world we have sent out the first of the Joe & Me by David Moody chapbooks. As soon as we receive a new order we will send it out within 48 hours going forward. We pride ourselves on offering the very best postage and packaging price which …

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5 Must Read Horror Articles

The Shining

We’ve scoured the internet to bring you five articles from across the globe that every horror fan must-read. This brand new feature will highlight great content that can be found beyond the pages of This Is Horror, every single week. This week on Must Read Horror Articles: In Development Hell, Nobody Can Hear You Scream …

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Where’s my copy of Joe & Me by David Moody?

Joe & Me by David Moody Chapbooks

Joe & Me by David Moody is scheduled for release on 18 June, just five days away – so the This Is Horror team thought we’d give you a fun update, so you know exactly where your books are and how they’ll be getting to you. Joe & Me is back from the printers Our …

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Writing and Editing Website

Armed With Pens

I hope you won’t mind me taking a short break from our horror schedule to invite you over to a brand new editing and writing resource – Armed With Pens. It’s actually formed in response to the demand staff at This Is Horror have received for articles on the craft of writing and editing. Editor …

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Interview: Wayne C. Rogers

Wayne C. Rogers is a Las Vegas casino worker who loves to read good stories, watch entertaining movies on DVD, and write anything that comes to mind whether it’s a novel, short story, movie script, or book review. Meet The Writer: Wayne C. Rogers

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Remembering Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury

We’re all incredibly saddened to hear of the passing of Ray Bradbury at This Is Horror. We are suspending the publication of any further articles and news on This Is Horror for the next twenty-four hours. In its place are reader and writer tributes to and memories of Ray Bradbury. We will be posting both …

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Interview: Redrum Horror

As part of our Meet The Publisher series, we caught up with Ed Kurtz of Redrum Horror. Meet The Publisher: Redrum Horror

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Interview: Manon Delacroix

In the first of our ‘Meet The Artist’ interview series we hook up with Manon Delacroix. Manon is a self-taught artist who has been drawing monsters and characters since she was a wee person.  She recently studied with Imaginism Studios in Canada and has worked with Mamtor Publishing, Ilex Press, ImagineFX, Dare Studios and Murky …

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