Category: Podcast

TIH 477: David J. Schow on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Twilight Zone Magazine, and Screenwriting

TIH 477 David J. Schow on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Twilight Zone Magazine, and Screenwriting

In this podcast, David J. Schow talks about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Twilight Zone Magazine, screenwriting, and much more. About David J. Schow David J. Schow is an American author of horror novels, short stories, and screenplays. His credits include films such as Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, The Crow, and The …

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TIH 476: John Niven on Kill Your Friends, The Trip, and The F*ck-it List

TIH 476 John Niven on Kill Your Friends, The Trip, and The F*ck-it List

In this podcast, John Niven talks about Kill Your Friends, The Trip, The F*ck-it List, and much more. About John Niven John Niven is a Scottish author and screenwriter. His books include Kill Your Friends, The Amateurs, and The Second Coming. Show notes Thanks for Listening! Help out the show: Support This Is Horror on …

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TIH 475: Brian Asman on Return of the Living Elves, Unusual Writing Locations, and Juggalos

TIH 475 Brian Asman on Return of the Living Elves, Unusual Writing Locations, and Juggalos

In this podcast, Brian Asman talks about Return of the Living Elves, unusual writing locations, Juggalos, and much more. About Brian Asman Brian Asman is a writer, actor, director, and producer from San Diego, CA. He’s the author of the hit indie novella Man, Fuck this House (recently optioned by a major streaming service). His …

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TIH 474: Brian Asman on Man, Fuck This House, Blackstone Audio, and Pranks

TIH 474 Brian Asman on Man, Fuck This House, Blackstone Audio, and Pranks

In this podcast, Brian Asman talks about Man, Fuck This House, Blackstone Audio, Pranks, and much more. About Brian Asman Brian Asman is a writer, actor, director, and producer from San Diego, CA. He’s the author of the hit indie novella Man, Fuck this House (recently optioned by a major streaming service). His other books …

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TIH 473: Jonathan Janz on The Dismembered, Marla, and Method Writing

TIH 473: Jonathan Janz on The Dismembered, Marla, and Method Writing

In this podcast, Jonathan Janz talks about The Dismembered, Marla, method writing, and much more. About Jonathan Janz Jonathan Janz is the author of more than a dozen novels and numerous short stories. His books include Marla, The Siren and the Specter, and The Dismembered. Show notes Thanks for Listening! Help out the show: Support …

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TIH 472: Jonathan Janz on Literary Agents, Editing, and Screenwriting

TIH 472 Jonathan Janz on Literary Agents, Editing, and Screenwriting

In this podcast, Jonathan Janz talks about literary agents, editing, screenwriting, and much more. About Jonathan Janz Jonathan Janz is the author of more than a dozen novels and numerous short stories. His books include Marla, The Siren and the Specter, and The Dismembered. Show notes Thanks for Listening! Help out the show: Support This …

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TIH 471: Jonathan Janz on Forgiveness, Children, and Biggest Personal and Professional Changes

TIH 471 Jonathan Janz on Forgiveness, Children, and Biggest Personal and Professional Changes

In this podcast, Jonathan Janz talks about forgiveness, children, his biggest personal and professional changes in the last four years, and much more. About Jonathan Janz Jonathan Janz is the author of more than a dozen novels and numerous short stories. His books include Marla, The Siren and the Specter, and The Dismembered. Show notes …

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TIH 470: Will Carver on God Complexes, DoTrue, and Writing For Yourself

TIH 470 Will Carver on God Complexes, DoTrue, and Writing For Yourself

In this podcast, Will Carver talks about God complexes, DoTrue, writing for himself, and much more. About Will Carver Will Carver is the author of books such as Suicide Thursday, Good Samaritans, Nothing Important Happened Today, and Psychopaths Anonymous. Show notes Thanks for Listening! Help out the show: Support This Is Horror on Patreon Listen to This Is …

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TIH 469: Will Carver on Suicide Thursday, The Daves Next Door, and Crop Circle Theories

TIH 469 Will Carver on Suicide Thursday, The Daves Next Door, and Crop Circle Theories

In this podcast, Will Carver talks about Suicide Thursday, The Daves Next Door, crop circle theories, and much more. About Will Carver Will Carver is the author of books such as Suicide Thursday, Good Samaritans, Nothing Important Happened Today, and Psycopaths Anonymous. Show notes Thanks for Listening! Help out the show: Support This Is Horror on Patreon Listen …

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TIH 468: Paul Tremblay on Unreliable Narrators, Writing Without Outlining, and Anxiety in Fiction

TIH 468: Paul Tremblay on Unreliable Narrators, Writing Without Outlining, and Anxiety in Fiction

In this podcast, Paul Tremblay talks about unreliable narrators, writing without an outline, anxiety in fiction, and much more. About Paul Tremblay Paul Tremblay has won the Bram Stoker, British Fantasy, and Massachusetts Book awards and is the author of The Pallbearers Club, Survivor Song, The Cabin at the End of the World, Disappearance at …

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