In this podcast Jon Padgett talks about Thomas Ligotti, writing lessons, impostor syndrome and much more. About Jon Padgett Jon Padgett is a professional—though lapsed—ventriloquist who lives in New Orleans with his spouse, their daughter, and two cats. Padgett is the founder and longtime administrator of Thomas Ligotti Online, and has been the first publisher for …
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TIH 147: Bracken MacLeod on Creating Characters, Toxic Masculinity, and Albert Camus
In this podcast Bracken MacLeod talks about creating characters, masculinity, Albert Camus, and much more. About Bracken MacLeod Bracken MacLeod is the author of the novels Stranded and Mountain Home, a short story collection from ChiZine Publications titled 13 Views of the Suicide Woods, and a novella titled White Night. His new novel, Come To Dust, is coming in …
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TIH 146: Bracken MacLeod on Stranded, Horror Movies, and Writing Influences
In this podcast Bracken MacLeod talks about his first experiences with horror, his novel Stranded, and much more. About Bracken MacLeod Bracken MacLeod is the author of the novels Stranded and Mountain Home, a short story collection from ChiZine Publications titled 13 Views of the Suicide Woods, and a novella titled White Night. His new novel, Come To Dust, …
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TIH 145: J.S. Breukelaar on Aletheia, Crystal Lake Publishing, and Teaching Creative Writing
In this podcast J.S. Breukelaar talks about her brand new novel Aletheia, working with Crystal Lake Publishing, teaching Creative Writing, and much more. About J.S. Breukelaar JS Breukelaar is the author of Aletheia (Crystal Lake Publishing) and American Monster (Lazy Fascist Press), and Ink (Les Editions du Zaparogue), as well as numerous short stories, essays, and poems. …
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[Preview] SU 001: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
We recently released the first episode of our brand new podcast, Story Unboxed: The Horror Podcast on the Craft of Writing for all patrons pledging at $3 and above. But perhaps you’re on the edge about pledging at $3 or simply don’t have the money right now. Good news! We’re releasing a preview of the …
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TIH 144: J.S. Breukelaar on Ghosts, American Monster, and Story Mistakes
In this podcast J.S. Breukelaar talks about ghosts as memories, her first novel American Monster, learning from and identifying story mistakes, and much more. About J.S. Breukelaar JS Breukelaar is the author of Aletheia (Crystal Lake Publishing) and American Monster (Lazy Fascist Press), and Ink (Les Editions du Zaparogue), as well as numerous short stories, essays and …
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TIH 143: Alasdair Stuart on Writing Audio Stories, Pseudopod Podcast, and Best Writing Advice
In this podcast Alasdair Stuart talks about writing audio stories, Pseudopod Podcast, his best writing advice, and much more. About Alasdair Stuart Alasdair Stuart is the owner of Escape Artists, Inc., as well as host of PseudoPod and co-host of Escape Pod. His work has appeared in the Guardian, How It Works, the Fortean Times, Sci Fi …
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TIH 141: Betty Rocksteady on Weird Fiction, Research, and Outlining
In this podcast Betty Rocksteady talks about weird fiction, research, outlining, and much more. About Betty Rocksteady Betty Rocksteady is your everyday Canadian weirdo with a leaning towards the macabre and grotesque. Besides writing violent and sexual and just plain weird fiction, she does black and white horror illustration. Her debut novella, Arachnophile, was part of Eraserhead …
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TIH 140: Betty Rocksteady on Like Jagged Teeth, Bizarro, and Arachnophile
In this podcast Betty Rocksteady talks about her forthcoming novella Like Jagged Teeth, the bizarro fiction genre, Arachnophile, and much more. About Betty Rocksteady Betty Rocksteady is your everyday Canadian weirdo with a leaning towards the macabre and grotesque. Besides writing violent and sexual and just plain weird fiction, she does black and white horror illustration. Her debut novella, …
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