In this podcast twenty writers discuss the best writing advice they’ve received. Contributions from Stephen Graham Jones, Mercedes M. Yardley, Helen Marshall, Paul Tremblay, George Ttoouli, Nina Allan, David Moody, Jessica McHugh, John F.D. Taff, John C. Foster, David Bowles, Lisa L. Hannett, Bob Pastorella, Josh Malerman, Richard Thomas, Vincenzo Bilof, Jasper Bark, Sarah Langan, S. …
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TIH 108: Michaelbrent Collings on Outlining, Stoker Awards and Story Ideas
In this podcast Michaelbrent Collings talks about outlining stories, story ideas, the Stoker Awards and much more. About Michaelbrent Collings Michaelbrent Collings is a novelist and screenwriter. He has written numerous bestsellers, including Apparition, The Haunted, The Loon, Rising Fears, and the bestselling YA fantasy series The Billy Saga, beginning with Billy: Messenger of Powers. Show …
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TIH 107: Michaelbrent Collings on Self Publishing, Social Media and Writing Commercially
In this podcast Michaelbrent Collings talks about self publishing, social media, writing commercially and much more. About Michaelbrent Collings Michaelbrent Collings is a novelist and screenwriter. He has written numerous bestsellers, including Apparition, The Haunted, The Loon, Rising Fears, and the bestselling YA fantasy series The Billy Saga, beginning with Billy: Messenger of Powers. Show Notes …
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TIH 106: Tim Lebbon on Pay The Ghost, The Silence and Self-Doubt
In this podcast Tim Lebbon talks about the film adaptation of ‘Pay The Ghost’, managing self-doubt, The Silence and much more. About Tim Lebbon Tim Lebbon is the New York Times bestselling author of the movie novelizations of 30 Days of Night and The Cabin in the Woods. He has also written many critically acclaimed horror and …
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TIH 105: Tim Lebbon on The Family Man, Adaptations and Endurance Sports
In this podcast Tim Lebbon talks about his new novel The Family Man, adaptations, endurance sports and much more. About Tim Lebbon Tim Lebbon is the New York Times bestselling author of the movie novelizations of 30 Days of Night and The Cabin in the Woods. He has also written many critically acclaimed horror and dark fantasy …
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TIH 104: John Skipp on Fight Scenes, Bizarro and Zombies
In this podcast John Skipp talks about Fight Scenes, Bizarro and Zombies. About John Skipp John Skipp is a New York Times bestselling author, editor, film director, zombie godfather, compulsive collaborator, musical pornographer, black-humored optimist and all-around Renaissance mutant. His early novels from the 1980s and 90s pioneered the graphic, subversive, high-energy form known as splatterpunk. …
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TIH 103: Aaron Sterns on Screen vs Page, Plotting Stories, and Gothic and Subversive Fiction
In this podcast Aaron Sterns talks about the difference between writing for the screen and writing fiction, plotting stories and lecturing in Gothic and Subversive Fiction. About Aaron Sterns Aaron Sterns is the co-writer of Wolf Creek 2 (Best Screenplay Madrid International Fantastic Film Festival 2014), and author of the prequel novel Wolf Creek: Origin which has …
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TIH 102: Aaron Sterns on Wolf Creek, Screenwriting and Existential Nightmares
In this podcast Aaron Sterns talks about the Wolf Creek series, existential nightmares and screenwriting. About Aaron Sterns Aaron Sterns is the co-writer of Wolf Creek 2 (Best Screenplay Madrid International Fantastic Film Festival 2014), and author of the prequel novel Wolf Creek: Origin which has just won the 2014 Australian Shadows Award for best Australian horror novel of …
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TIH 101: Angela Slatter on Vigil, Fairy Tales and Jo Fletcher Books
In this podcast Angela Slatter talks about her brand new novel Vigil, working with Jo Fletcher, fairy tales and much more. About Angela Slatter Specialising in dark fantasy and horror, Angela Slatter is the author of The Girl with No Hands and Other Tales, Sourdough and Other Stories, The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings, and Black-Winged Angels, as …
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TIH 100: David Moody on the Hater Adaptation, Wattpad and Dealing with Depression
Happy 100th episode to us! In this podcast David Moody talks about the Hater adaptation, brand new Hater trilogy, Wattpad, dealing with depression and much more. About David Moody David Moody grew up on a diet of trashy horror and pulp science fiction. He worked as a bank manager before giving up the day job to …
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