“Filled with compelling wonder and deeply-disturbing horror, The Changeling is an extraordinary novel.” In his follow up to his 2016 novella, The Ballad of Black Tom, Victor LaValle writes a beautiful, emotional, and terrifying fairy tale in The Changeling. Apollo Kagwe is a “book man”, searching estate sales and dark basement corners for rare …
Category: Reviews
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-the-changeling-by-victor-lavalle/
Book Review: Palladium at Night by Christopher Slatsky
“Slatsky has produced a genuinely disturbing story complete with great characterisation, a creepy setting and unsettling ties to real-life mysteries.” Christopher Slatsky is a weird horror fiction author living in L.A. whose debut collection, Alectryomancer and Other Weird Tales (Dynatox Ministries, 2015), was universally praised by fellow horror authors such as Adam Nevill, Michael Wehunt, …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-palladium-at-night-by-christopher-slatsky/
Book Review: I Wish I Was Like You by S.P. Miskowski
“At times delicate and poetic, yet can turn as sharp and deadly as the stroke of a knife through flesh.” Never open your story with a corpse? S.P. Miskowski smashes that rule with a tale of a young woman who is forced to solve a murder. She has no choice because the corpse is her …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-i-wish-i-was-like-you-by-s-p-miskowski/
Audiobook Review: The Dead Boy by Craig Saunders
“Saunders has done a remarkable job of breathing life into every single character, giving them their own personalities and humanity.” Having published more than thirty novels and novellas, the first a mere six years ago, Craig Saunders has gained a reputation as a hardworking and productive author of horror, fantasy and humour stories. He has …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/audiobook-review-the-dead-boy-by-craig-saunders/
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-cemetery-dance-select-tim-waggoner/
Book Review: Calls for Submission by Selena Chambers
“Chambers uses the power and versatility of short fiction to full effect, combining acute literary sensibilities with a mastery of weird fiction techniques, surrealism, and raw, heartbreaking horror.” In her debut collection, Selena Chambers uses the power and versatility of short fiction to full effect, combining acute literary sensibilities with a mastery of weird fiction …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-calls-for-submission-by-selena-chambers/
Book Review: Cut Corners Volume 3 by Ray Garton, Kealan Patrick Burke, and Bryan Smith
“If there is something that connects the three stories, however, it is the distinctly bleak disposition and the overwhelming sense of dread that each one bestows upon the reader.” Cut Corners Volume 3 is a collection of three short stories: ‘Andromeda’ by Kealan Patrick Burke, ‘Barrel’ by Bryan Smith and ‘Afterparty’ by Ray Garton. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-cut-corners-volume-3-by-ray-garton-kealan-patrick-burke-and-bryan-smith/
Book Review: Sacculina by Philip Fracassi
“Fracassi sets the hook into a reader’s imagination, and as he reels the reader in through creeping dread and all-too possible darkness, you’ll soon understand that there is no escape.” In his latest novella, Sacculina, rising author Philip Fracassi lures readers out into the middle of the ocean and does what he does best–scares the …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-sacculina-by-philip-fracassi/
Book Review: Bleed by Ed Kurtz
“Bleed is a nostalgic nod to 1980s horror viewed through a prism of twenty first century ideas that drag the reader into the pages like a fly into a spider’s web.” Bleed begins with a tone edging towards folksy American, almost Stephen King like horror. A couple figuring out life in the sticks, a new …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-bleed-by-ed-kurtz/
Book Review: We Came Back by Patrick Lacey
“We Came Back is another step in the right direction for Lacey’s writing career and we look forward to visiting his sinister imagination again in the future.” Patrick Lacey is a relative newcomer to the world of publishing and the horror genre. Although he has admitted to writing over one hundred short stories and …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-we-came-back-by-patrick-lacey/