Category: Reviews

Event review: Grimmfest 2013

This is just a sample of the goodies that were on offer at Grimm Up North’s annual festival in Manchester in October 2013. There were far more films on show than This Is Horror were able to catch for review, but virtually everything we saw was excellent. First up, as a special pre-festival preview, was …

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Board Game Review: City of Horror

“A tense yet enjoyable game!” City of Horror is a survival-themed board game for three to six players, in the style of classic zombie apocalypse movies. The city is beset by a shambling horde of flesh-craving zombies and the players’ goal is to survive the onslaught until help arrives at daybreak. To do so, players …

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Film Review: Blood Glacier (2013)

“Pretty enjoyable while it lasts.” There is an unspoken transaction that often takes place between creature features with a less-than-Hollywood budget and their viewers. The transaction goes thusly: the makers of said movie use good old fashioned, honest-to-goodness practical effects to create their monsters. This can be for many reasons; they could for example have …

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Book Review: The Cormorant by Chuck Wendig

“Adrenaline pumping action!” Writing the blurb for a Chuck Wendig, ‘Miriam Black’ book must be amongst the hardest tasks in publishing. Just how do you distil such an exhilarating, twisty narrative into a mere handful of words? Writing a review, even with a larger word count at our disposal, isn’t much easier. Giving consideration to …

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Book Review: The Monster Club by R. Chetwynd-Hayes

“Buy the book.” Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes was regularly one of the top ten authors whose work was borrowed from British libraries throughout the seventies – so says Stephen Jones in his excellent introduction. In fact Jones does such a thorough job it leaves this reviewer with nothing new to say about the man or his work …

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Book Review: Renegades by Shaun Hutson

“A novel so gritty, it’ll make your gums bleed!” Shaun Hutson’s classic ‘creature feature’ Slugs was the start of an illustrious career in 1982. The novel not only spawned a sequel, Breeding Ground, but also a film adaptation. Since then, Shaun Hutson has been the bestselling author of more than twenty horror and dark urban thrillers, …

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Book Review: Ammon’s Horn by Stan Timmons

“Imaginative and well-written.” Danny Sullivan and Gemma Goode are a young couple fighting for survival in a pre- and post-apocalyptic America (and world) shattered by a viral threat like no other. Ammon’s Horn deals not with the usual zombie infestation, but with the results of a CIA-engineered, out-of-control virus that triggers paranoia in the Ammon’s …

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Film Review: Curse of Chucky (2013)

“Hugely enjoyable old-school horror” It’s been a long time in coming, but in a world of vapid remakes and reboots, it’s actually nice to see a sequel to an original franchise for a change. Not that Curse of Chucky was that eagerly awaited by anyone. After the entertaining original, a fun sequel that featured both …

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Book Review: Plastic Jesus by Wayne Simmons

“A fun-fuelled high-octane thrill ride!” Wayne Simmons’ bestselling novel Flu was serialised by Sirius XM’s Book Radio, and spawned a sequel – Fever. His work has since been published in the U.K, Austria, Germany, Spain, Turkey and North America. Here, he steps away from his horror writing roots and turns his hand to sci-fi, but …

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Frightfest 2013 Film Review: Missionary

“An efficient chiller!” Anthony DiBlasi’s Missionary is the story of Elder Brock (a great performance from Mitch Ryan), a Mormon searching for families to convert. After a brief fling with what can only be described as a seductress/cougar, Elder Brock is dismissed and replaced by the seductress’s estranged husband, who is eager to atone for …

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