This Is Horror

Look Out For … Lumberjack by Anthony Engebretson

“With this tale of strange historical Eco-Noir, Engebretson establishes himself as a writer you need to keep your eyes on.”

In Nebraska, circa 1901, Neville aims to prove himself a “true man”. Encountering obstacle after obstacle, he meets J. Sterling Morton, a distinguished statesman with the power to give Neville what he desires the most.

Morton suffers from an elusive demon, an entity Neville has faced before. If he can kill the creature, Neville will achieve legendary status. But he’s outmatched at every turn. Can Neville crush the evil force, or become the very thing he hopes to destroy?

Why we’re excited about this book:

Anthony Engebretson is one the freshest voices in horror, weird, and science-fiction today. The author of Sair Back, Sair Banes, his work has been featured in such anthologies and publications as Spring into SciFi (2018-2019 editions), Uncanny & Unearthly Tales: A Grendel Press Horror Anthology, and Forbidden: Tales of Repression, Restriction, & Rebellion, as well as serving as coeditor for the ProleSCARYET anthology. With this tale of strange historical Eco-Noir, Engebretson establishes himself as a writer you need to keep your eyes on. Caitlin Marceau (This Is Where We Talk Things Out) calls Lumberjack “An unforgiving descent into madness that proves two things. First: Engebretson is the king of character-driven narratives. Second: you don’t devour Engebretson’s work. It devours you.”

Releasing from Tenebrous Press 5 December 2023, Lumberjack by Anthony Engebretson (with stunning cover art by Jonathan LaMantia) is available for pre-order now.