This Is Horror

Look Out For … Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin

“In her horrifying debut, three survivors face a hostile world of ravenous feral men in a post-apocalyptic landscape we’ve never seen before.” 

For Beth and Fran, the New England coast is their hunting ground. By day they hunt feral men to harvest organs for their own survival.

Living by the gun, Robbie learned his motto the hard way: other people aren’t safe.

When an accident entangles the three together, they are forced to maneuver a sociopathic bunker brat, bloodthirsty TERFS, and some awkward relationship dynamics … if the packs of feral men and their own demons don’t kill them first.

Why we’re excited about this book:

Gretchen Felker-Martin is relatively new to the horror fiction world. The author of Ego Homini Lupus, No End Will Be Found, Dreadnought, and the horror comic Skin Deep (with art by Garrett Young), her work has been featured in such publications as Mirror Mirror II, Monoceros, and Beyond the Book Eibon. In her horrifying debut, three survivors face a hostile world of ravenous feral men in a post-apocalyptic landscape we’ve never seen before. Carmen Maria Machado (In the Dream House, Her Body and Other Parties) says: “Reading this book was like tonguing a live wire; I loved every moment and I still haven’t recovered. As erotic as it is devastating, as brilliant as it is visceral, Manhunt is a modern horror masterpiece.”, and Hailey Piper (Queen of Teeth, The Worm and His Kings) says: “Juicing up an unforgettable post-apocalypse, this gorgeously queer, messed-up beautiful beast of a novel scrapes glass shards over nerves while offering readers an affectionate whisper. A unique, brain-searing nightmare that’s full-on teeth and claws, and all heart too.”

Forthcoming 22 February 2022 from Tor Nightfire, Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin is available for pre-order now.