This Is Horror

News Round-up Week Ending 23 August 2019

Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week …

New from writer Craig Stewart and Hellbound Books, Worship Me

New from Hellbound books, is Worship Me, the debut novel from Canadian writer and filmmaker Craig Stewart. The novel finds the worshippers at St Paul’s United Church being visited by something other worldly, but rather than their god, this entity is something far older. Now it wants the congregation to sacrifice their children within forty-eight hours, or it will return to devour them all. Brian J. Lewis of The Horror Review says: “Worship Me … does what horror novels are supposed to do… It scares the crap out of you.” Released on 29 July, Worship Me is available in paperback, eBook and audiobook, now, here.


Coming 1 September from Steve Stred, The Night Crawls In, a collection of drabbles and poetry, with proceeds going to the Ladies of Horror Fiction Writers’ Grant

As featured in more detail in this article on Kendall Reviews, Steve Stred’s new release, The Night Crawls In is a collection of drabbles (very short stories of exactly one hundred words) and poetry, released to help fund the Ladies of Horror Fiction Writers’ Grant. This grant is Steve’s way of giving back to the writing community and more information on the detail of it and how to apply can be found here. This seems like a fantastic project and a great way to pick up some new short fiction and poetry while simultaneously helping out a cause that, I hope, we all believe in. Launching 1 September, pre-order your copy here.

New novel, The Prophet Wars, by writer Thomas Emson, out now

Set in a dystopian future Britain, rife with crime, unemployment and deprivation, the world is on the brink of catastrophe. The future looks bleak and Billy Kingdom, a 15-year-old boy can see it. He sees disasters in his dreams and days later, they come true. Online, he discovers other young people are having similar visions. He grows close to a young girl, Tawny Lang. Then, one night, the two of them and other young people with these abilities are kidnapped by armed men. What do these shadowy people want from them. Find out in The Prophet Wars Volume One: Project 9:6, the first in a new series from writer Thomas Emson (Zombie Britannica). You can get your copy right now, here

Horror anthology podcast, Wrong Station, closes out third season

The Wrong Station podcast has just completed its third season. With stories in a variety of settings and told from a range of perspectives, Wrong Station takes its lead from Radio shows of the past, such as Quiet, Please and Lights Out. You can find more information and episodes, here.