This Is Horror

News Round-up Week Ending 24 May 2024

Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week …

New from author A. C. Wise and Absinthe Books, Grackle

Andi’s on a road trip to a famously haunted town, Drakesburg. It was supposed to be partly a research trip for her thesis, partly one last sister’s trip to a cabin in the woods to spend time together and tell ghost stories; just like they used to do with their mother when she was alive. But an argument after their grandmother’s funeral put a stop to that. Instead, Andi’s taking a fellow student she barely knows, Emmanuelle, along for the drive – hardly the fun trip she envisioned. Emmanuelle starts to tell a ghost story as they travel through the night – towards a stranger destination than either of them expected to find – and before long Andi finds herself in a tale inside a story, and who knows how to get out? Available now in an unsigned jacketed hardcover edition, or in a signed version, limited to one hundred copies, you can pick up yours here.

Arriving 18 June from writer Brennan LaFaro and Crossroad Press, I Will Always Find You

I Will Always Find You collects all three books in Brennan LaFaro’s Slattery Falls trilogy, a pulse-pounding, genre-spanning tale of a haunting in New England. Slattery FallsDecimated Dreams, and The World You Loved come together for the first time in one dazzling volume, joined by The Orphan’s Revenge, a brand new, never before released novella. Previously available only in a strictly limited run of signed hardcovers, you can pre-order the full Slattery Falls saga in eBook and paperback formats here.

New from author Adam S. Leslie and Dead Ink, Lost in the Garden

Heather, Rachel and Antonia are going to Almanby.

Heather needs to find her boyfriend who, like so many, went and never came back. Rachel has a mysterious package to deliver, and her life depends on it. And Antonia – poor, lovestruck Antonia just wants the chance to spend the day with Heather.

So off they set through the idyllic yet perilous English countryside, in which nature thrives in abundance and summer lasts forever, and as they travel through ever-shifting geography and encounter strange voices in the fizz of shortwave radio, the harder it becomes to tell friend from foe.

Creepy, dreamlike, unsettling and unforgettable – you are about to join the privileged few who come to understand exactly why we don’t go to Almanby. Available now in eBook and paperback editions, you can grab your copy here.