Look Out For … Angel of the Underground by David Andreas

Angel of the Underground by David Andreas - cover

“This fish-out-water dropped into a dysfunctional family is the perfect setup for a creepy thriller tinged with danger.” A brutal triple murder forces the state to foster the remaining children of a Catholic group home in Long Island. Now living with a completely new, and quite dysfunctional, family, fifteen-year-old Robin Hills discovers her new family …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/look-out-for-angel-of-the-underground-by-david-andreas/

TIH 182: Kathe Koja on The Cipher, Christopher Marlowe, and Strangest Story Ever Written

TIH 182 Kathe Koja on The Cipher, Christopher Marlowe, and Strangest Story Ever Written

In this podcast Kathe Koja talks about The Cipher, Christopher Marlowe, the strangest story she’s ever written, and much more. About Kathe Koja Kathe Koja is a writer, performer, director and independent producer. Her work crosses and combines genres, from historical to contemporary to YA to horror. Her novels including The Cipher, Skin, Buddha Boy, Talk, and the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tih-182-kathe-koja-on-the-cipher-christopher-marlowe-and-strangest-story-ever-written/

Book Review: Strange Weather by Joe Hill

Strange Weather by Joe Hill - cover

“Continues to push the boundaries between horror, weird, and literary.” Though still in the early stages of his writing career, Joe Hill has already carved out an impressive body of work. With four novels (including the exemplary Horns) a collection of short stories (20th Century Ghosts) and an award winning and wonderful graphic novel series …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-strange-weather-by-joe-hill/

Searchlight: Horror 101

Horror 101

Sometimes a ‘how-to’ writing reference guide comes along that will knock you off your feet and give you that much needed ‘kick in the pants’ to get words on the page. Horror 101: The Way Forward: Career Advice by Seasoned Professionals is one of those guides. Edited by Joe Mynhardt and Emma Audsley, and published …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/searchlight-horror-101/

5 Must Read Horror Articles 4 Dec 2017

Daniela Vega

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: The New York Times lists its favourite horror movies ahead of this year’s horror-themed Great Performers Issue Broadly shows why horror might just be the best film genre for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/5-must-read-horror-articles-4-dec-2017-2/

TIH 181: S.P. Miskowski on I Wish I Was Like You, Writing Advice, and Weird Fiction Syllabus

TIH 181 S.P. Miskowski on I Wish I Was Like You, Writing Advice, and Weird Fiction Syllabus

In this podcast S.P. Miskowski talks about I Wish I Was Like You, writing advice, her ideal weird fiction syllabus, and much more. About S. P. Miskowski S.P. Miskowski is a three-time Shirley Jackson Award nominee and is the recipient of two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and a Swarthout Award. Her M.F.A. is from …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tih-181-s-p-miskowski-on-i-wish-i-was-like-you-writing-advice-and-weird-fiction-syllabus/

Book Review: Yes Trespassing by Erik T. Johnson

Yes Trespassing by Erik T. Johnson - cover

“Erik T. Johnson delivers a magnum opus of staggering proportions and epic concepts of literary strangeness.” Collections of short fiction are sometimes difficult to evaluate from a critical standpoint, mostly because of the fact that they are often front-loaded with the best pieces the author has to offer and then the rest of the book …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/book-review-yes-trespassing-by-erik-t-johnson/

News Round-up Week Ending 8 December 2017

Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … William Meikle’s The Ghost Club released tomorrow through Crystal Lake Channeling the most prominent voices in Victorian storytelling, such as Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, Oscar Wilde, William Meikle delivers a collection of new short stories which readers are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/news-round-up-week-ending-8-december-2017/

TOD 026 Two BizarroCon Panels: ‘The Road to Publication’ and ‘The Weird in a Post-Weird World’

In this podcast The Outer Dark presents two panels from BizarroCon 2017 (Nov 17-19, Portland, OR): ‘The Road to Publication’ featuring Ross Lockhart, Hugo Camacho Cabeza, Don Noble and Nicholas Day, Michael Kazepis, and Rose O’Keefe (moderator) and ‘The Weird in a Post-Weird World’ featuring Cody Goodfellow, Mark Jaskowski, Emma/MP Johnson, Andrew James Stone, Madeleine Swann, and Jason Rizos (moderator). …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/tod-026-two-bizarrocon-panels-the-road-to-publication-and-the-weird-in-a-post-weird-world/

Look Out For … Sleep Over: An Oral History of the Apocalypse by H. G. Bells

Sleep Over by H. G. Bells - cover

“With the odd, yet appropriate, moniker H.G. Bells, this book takes another stab at the end-of-the-world scenario, this time using insomnia instead of a zombie virus.”   The world record for a human to go sleepless is eleven days. As a new epidemic of insomnia hits the world, everyone begins to wonder when they will …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/look-out-for-sleep-over-an-oral-history-of-the-apocalypse-by-h-g-bells/