Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Independent film Bella in the Wych Elm explores true folk horror tale From director Thomas Lee Rutter and Carnie Films, comes Bella in the Wych Elm, a folk horror film focussing on an unsolved murder case from the …
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TIH 146: Bracken MacLeod on Stranded, Horror Movies, and Writing Influences
In this podcast Bracken MacLeod talks about his first experiences with horror, his novel Stranded, and much more. About Bracken MacLeod Bracken MacLeod is the author of the novels Stranded and Mountain Home, a short story collection from ChiZine Publications titled 13 Views of the Suicide Woods, and a novella titled White Night. His new novel, Come To Dust, …
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Look Out For … Dark Cities edited by Christopher Golden
Look Out For … Dark Cities edited by Christopher Golden “Stories that are short, sharp shocks designed to unsettle you.” In shadowy back alleys, crumbling brownstones, and gleaming skyscrapers, cities harbor unique forms of terror. Here lie malicious ghosts, cursed buildings, malignant deities, and personal demons of every kind. Twenty of today’s most talented writers …
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Stoking the Fires of Inspiration: My First StokerCon
When I signed up for StokerCon 2017 it was more out of curiosity than actually practicality. I’d never been to an HWA (Horror Writers Association) event before, and I knew that several of the writers I’m friends with on social media would be there. That was enough to assure me that I wouldn’t spend all …
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Book Review: Sacculina by Philip Fracassi
“Fracassi sets the hook into a reader’s imagination, and as he reels the reader in through creeping dread and all-too possible darkness, you’ll soon understand that there is no escape.” In his latest novella, Sacculina, rising author Philip Fracassi lures readers out into the middle of the ocean and does what he does best–scares the …
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5 Must Read Horror Articles 8 May 2017
Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado: Infection At Outpost 31 Creepshow 2 : A Look Back Seven Unanswered Questions In Horror Films Five Made For TV Stephen King Films That Deserve A Big Screen Reboot …
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News Round-up Week Ending 5 May 2017
Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week … Debut novel by Michael McGovern Morbid Thoughts out now Fans of the seminal American Psycho could do well to take a look at the debut thriller from upcoming author Michael McGovern. The book tells the story of Aaron …
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Book Review: Bleed by Ed Kurtz
“Bleed is a nostalgic nod to 1980s horror viewed through a prism of twenty first century ideas that drag the reader into the pages like a fly into a spider’s web.” Bleed begins with a tone edging towards folksy American, almost Stephen King like horror. A couple figuring out life in the sticks, a new …
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TOD 010 The Outer Dark Symposium, Part I: Readings by Selena Chambers, Kristi DeMeester, Anya Martin, & Michael Wehunt and The Weird Novel Panel
In this podcast The Outer Dark presents the first installment of The Outer Dark Symposium, including readings by Selena Chambers, Kristi DeMeester, Anya Martin, and Michael Wehunt, as well as the first panel on “The Weird Novel.” These segments were recorded live on Friday March 24 and Saturday March 25. The broadcast also includes an …
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