Ask any reader of weird fiction for their A-list of writers of the genre and they’ll invariably include Laird Barron in that list. When it comes to contemporary writers, Barron easily comes to mind as the most accessible, and the most able to set his own course. He consistently delivers the goods with engaging characters …
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News Round-up Week Ending 28 October 2016
Here’s a selection of some of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week… Young adult release from Greg Hurwitz, The Rains, coming soon Best-selling author of Orphan X, Greg Hurwitz is to release his first novel aimed at the young adult market. Combining themes of zombies and extra terrestrials, …
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Book Review: The Madness of Dr. Caligari, edited by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
“A collection of some of the best writers in horror expressing their own takes on the story of the somnambules, hypnosis, and the darkness within our own minds.” ‘A Twisted World of Madness’ by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. is an introduction to the insanity in store for the reader, or is it more of a …
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TIH 117: J. David Osborne and Michael David Wilson on Turning 30, Failing in Public and Minimum Effective Dose Misconceptions
In this podcast J. David Osborne and Michael David Wilson talk about turning thirty, failing in public and the misconception surrounding minimum effective dose. About J. David Osborne J. David Osborne is the Portland, Oregon based author of the Wonderland Award-winningBy the Time We Leave Here, We’ll Be Friends, Low Down Death Right Easy, and …
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The Cutting Room: Puppet Master – Axis Termination
In 1989, Full Moon Features opened the toy Box and let Toulon’s puppets loose! Now, after 27-years, 11 films, and countless on-screen deaths Full Moon unleashes total terror with the bloodiest, wildest and most gruesome Puppet Master yet! Witness the exciting conclusion and final chapter in the Axis trilogy! To stop the Nazi war machine …
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The Devil is in the Details: Halloween Parties from a Horror Writer’s Perspective
It’s that time of the year again when the breezes begin to cool, the leaves make the trees look as though they’ve caught fire, and everywhere you go you smell the scents of cinnamon and apple candles. For many people, it’s time for a Halloween party, which does take a little planning. There are a …
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Book Review: Yeti. Tiger. Dragon. by Daniel Braum
“This is the kind of well-crafted character-driven storytelling that is serving, and will continue to serve, Daniel Braum well as he continues to make a name for himself in the genre.” Daniel Braum’s short stories run the full spectrum of speculative fiction, from horror to science-fiction to fantasy and blends of two or more of …
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AHS: Ch6 Return to Roanoke: Three Days in Hell (A.K.A. Yes I Know I Said Evan Peters Fifty Times and I’m Comfortable With That)
We are now fifteen minutes and counting from the script-flip super major mid-season twist that Ryan Murphy won’t shut up about! I think he spent so much energy on the Fight Club rules premiere that he just can’t help himself: “Now everything will be different but have the same cast!” “Finn Wittrock is going to …
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