In a post-apocalyptic parallel future of 1997, an orphaned teenager called The Kid scavenges the Wasteland searching for relics from a better time (the 80s). During one of his expeditions he meets Apple, a mysterious girl with a rather large secret. As their relationship deepens, they accidentally run afoul of Zeus, the self-proclaimed leader of …
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Obituary – Sir Christopher Lee
Sir Christopher Lee: May 27 1922–June 7 2015. How do you even start to do justice to Christopher Lee? His life, his career, and the scale of his personal and professional achievements are truly humbling. At six feet five inches, he was virtually a giant in physical terms; as an artist he was a literal …
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Film Review: Tom Holland’s Twisted Tales (2015)
“There’s certainly potential here.” First things first: this isn’t a movie. Oh, it looks like one and it’s packaged to appear as a new anthology film, but it’s not except in the sense that someone’s pasted all the episodes of the web series Twisted Tales into one longer piece of film. True anthology films have …
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5 Must Read Horror Articles 15 June 2015
Welcome to Must Read Horror. The internet has been scoured once again for the week’s best horror articles, and the results are in: How Horror Movies Helped Me To Get Over My PTSD Cinematography Tips For Horror Filmmakers Are Women Changing the Face of Television’s Horror Genre? And Then a Cat Jumps Out: In Defense …
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News Round-up Week Ending 12 June
Christopher Lee Dies Aged 93 Horror icon, screen legend, and last of the great gentlemen actors, Sir Christopher Lee passed away aged 93 at 8:30am on Sunday at London’s Chelsea and Westminster Hospital where sources have said he was being treated for respiratory problems and heart failure. Perhaps best known to horror fans for his …
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The Cutting Room: Zombie Prom
A musical-comedy homage to the musicals and films of the 1950s, Zombie Prom tells the story of a forbidden romance between the rebellious bad boy Jonny and the good girl Toffee. After falling into a nuclear reactor, Jonny returns to his love as a zombie. Why we’re looking forward to this: If the prospect of …
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Tales from The Word Mine: What Do We Tell the Children?
Stories for children have been very much on my mind of late, especially as I’ve been trying to introduce our eldest daughter – Maia, 4 years old – to more complex works of children’s literature. She was very happy to sit through readings of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, probably because she’s already seen the …
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